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  • chacha
    03-21 11:21 AM
    Hi - i am converting my L1 to F1 which will cover me for 2.5 years. In the field i am working in, there is a high probability i will be able to find work before the degree is finished. Is it usual for big employers to already have H1 visas to sponser you on, or do they have to start from scratch. Im really trying to find out how easy it would be for a prospective employer to hire me after. (yes i am aware that one is supposed to return back to their country of origin)

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  • abqguy
    03-15 06:04 PM
    I had contacted all the senators and house reps in New Mexico via their website and heard back from Senator Jeff Bingaman.

    Please see his reply:

    Thank you for your letter regarding relief measures to raise the quota of employment-based legal immigration visas. I appreciate your taking the time to write. I understand the important contributions made by high-skilled immigrant workers in our economy, and I will certainly keep your concerns in mind as we debate immigration reform in the 110 th Congress.

    Again, thank you for writing. Please continue to keep me informed regarding this or any other issue of importance to you.


    United States Senator

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  • roseball
    06-27 01:23 PM
    Yes, go ahead and upgrade your pending H1 extension to premium processing. As per the law, USCIS can deny your H1 extension if a 485 is pending at the time a decision is taken on the H1 extension petition...This is a possibility only if they check if a 485 is pending while they adjudicate your extension petition.....

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  • From Bethenny#39;s drama last

  • jonty_11
    06-15 01:17 PM
    This from

    06/15/2007: July EB-2 and EB-3 Visa Numbers Open and Consular Processing

    The State Department states that they allocated a large number of EB-2 and EB-3 visas because of the USCIS I-140 and I-485 backlogs and because if the visa numbers are not used before the end of the fiscal years, some of them can be wasted. Assuming that the USCIS may continue their current processing times and backlogs in I-140 and I-485, the EB-2 and EB-3 may continue to remain current. However, it is just a speculation and risky to rely on such speculation when one handles his/her immigrant status.
    In time like this, the consular immigrant visa application is very risky for the two reasons. For instance, if the EB-2 or EB-3 numbers face a cut-off date again in August or September, unless their immigrant visa is "actually" issued and they enter the U.S. before the retrogression, they will be stuck abroad. For those who are currently residing in the U.S. and intend to apply for the immigrant visa through the consulates rather than adjustment of status through the USCIS, a similar risk will prevail, but unlike the those who are residing abroad, they will be able to extend the H-1B extension under AC 21 Act pending the visa number availability. In this regard, their risk is less but still high in that since they did not submit I-485, they will not be able to take advantage of obtaining EAD and Advancer Parole, not to mention AC 21 portability of the approved I-140 petition for change of employment. All in all, the consular immigrant visa application is not recommended when the future of the visa numbers remins unpredictable.


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  • STAmisha
    02-19 09:56 AM
    I'm on H1 and My spouse is on H4 (came on H4 in Dec 2003)
    We are both Canadian PR's. I worked out a deal with my US based to company so that I work in Canada and come to USA occasionally.

    Here are a few questions regd my spouse

    Planning to apply for H1 in April 2007, Once H1 is approved
    -Can we use automatic revalidation to enter USA without getting our visa's stamped. My h1 expired in 2006 and my spouse;s H4 expired in 2006.
    (remember my spouse is applying for H1 )
    -How safe it is FrequENTLY travel to Canada and back
    -How safe it is to stay in Canada for duration of 3-6 months and come back to USA
    -Once my spouse gets the H1 approved, should he move to H1 immediatly or can continue on H4?
    -stamping of H1 (first stamping for H1 in Canada) after conversion from H4

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  • maddipati1
    10-11 07:36 PM
    filed on Aug08th, even EAD cards ordered :D

    its kinda not a FIFO so take it easy
    especially those who filed between Jul2-Jul17 its delayed.


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  • kvrr
    04-27 09:00 PM
    I have a approved I-140. Applied for 3 year H1 extension in Oct 2006. 3 year H1 extension approved on 5th Feb 2007. Received H4 dependents extensions. Did not receive my I-797. Requested my consulting company to check why I did not receive my I-797 with I-94. They lied to me that they called USCIS and I/they/lawyer will get copy in 30/45 days. My MN drivers license got canceled/suspended on 04/24/2007 because I did not submit approved I-797/I-94. Company lawyer informed my company that they applied under premium processing for duplicate copy on 04/16/2007. I called USCIS and they told me this is bullshit. There is no premium processing for duplicate document. Lawyer does not want to reveal which form he filed for duplicate document. I also applied this week using form I-824 for duplicate copy of approved H1 extension. Called USCIS, and they said I will get a receipt number in 15 days and copy in 2-3 months. This copy will not include I-94, so it is useless. What options do I have. My lawyer is an American and he thinks it is below his dignity to answer my calls.

    What options do I now have? Any options will be appreciated.

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  • gccovet
    10-07 01:49 PM
    also found this on the net:

    page 6/18 - section (vi)

    Excellent!!!!! Thanks a lot, VA_Dude


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  • raj2007
    02-13 08:21 PM
    Can someone provide me a good CPA who assists in the formation of the corporation in Southern CA , Orange county and also assists in preparation of the business tax?

    IF you are looking in So CA..I can provide good reference. Please send me PM.

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  • geniousatwork
    05-15 07:58 PM


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  • chanduv23
    10-16 12:59 PM

    I just want to know as to will the Green Card process happen faster if the State of GA were to sponsor it?

    Request you to reply soon.


    I have not heard of any specific quota for Govt agencies, maybe they have, can anyone confirm it?

    I think there is no specific govt quota, everything goes through the EB process

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  • Macaca
    09-07 02:41 PM
    There exist
    very wise
    very silent
    IV members


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  • user
    09-24 10:09 AM
    No offense to op but this article is as valid as saying visa recapture will PROBABLY happen soon.

    Infact if you replace economy with recapture and Bernanke with... well pick any name (Lou Dobbs ?) it would be just as reassuring.

    Just seeing from my perspective... no offense intended to anyone.

    Good day.

    " Wait! Are you prepared for the consequences?" - Me.

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  • mbawa2574
    03-11 05:55 PM
    :d bit late
    mourning is also over..
    I am busy doing that .:D:D:D:D


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  • nlssubbu
    11-29 11:38 AM
    Hello experts,
    Here is a situation of my friend .
    1.He lost his and his wife's passport alongwith the receipt notices and FP notice.The current visa which has expired and I-94 is also lost.
    2.The lost passport includes the old passport with old visa in it.

    Can you please throw some light as to what are his options.

    Thanks & Regards

    Did he filed a police complaint? If not, ask him to file a police complaint and then apply for a duplicate passport with a copy of old passport along with the copy of police complaint.

    After getting the duplicate passport, (if he goes to his respective embassy, I think he may be able to get the duplicate in a day) ask him to call USCIS and talk to immigration officer. He also may need to contact his attorney who will provide a plan to obtain duplicate copies.


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  • DSP
    09-19 12:46 PM
    Hi All,

    Please help me on this. Here is the situation:

    1. Company A First time H1B - Oct 1, 2004
    2. Company B transfer - Jan 22, 2006
    3. My current visa is expiring on Jan 22, 2009, but after Jan 22, 2009, I still have till Oct 1, 2010 to complete my 6 years of H1B.
    4. Now, my wife who is on H-4 is currently in India on vacation, since she is not in US, her H-4 extension cannot be filed.

    My question is, can I file my H-1 extension and go to India and get both of our visas stamped based on my extension? Or does my wife need to come back on her currently valid visa and file for her own H-4 extension?

    Please advise and pardon me for my ignorance on this.

    Thanks in advance,


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  • wc_user
    08-27 01:25 PM
    My company is in a different state. I am consulting and hence working in a different state. Do we specify the job location in PERM application ? If yes, does it matter that I am working at a different location ? I am working on applying PERM in EB-2. Thanks.

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  • golgappa
    08-19 02:03 PM
    Thanks for your reply..

    You mean the FedEx delivery receipt, or the USCIS Receipt..

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  • copsmart
    11-24 05:35 PM

    I am really worried.

    Do you think an infopass appointment would help?
    Please throw some ideas.

    11-05 11:09 AM
    1. DREAM Act
    2. AgJobs
    3. Make the EB-1 category more reasonable.
    4. Create a more reasonable bar on those accused of providing material support to terrorists to cover those essentially involuntarily providing the support.
    5. Eliminate the one year bar on asylum claims.

    How about clearing the backlogs in the employment based system? We are contributing to the wealth of the company and the economy but our futures are in limbo and the best years of our careers are wasted worrying about a green card!

    Not surprisingly, according to the most recent State Department Visa bulletin, the EB-1 category is one of the only employment-based category without a waiting list.
    Does that not indicate a problem that needs to be fixed instead of ignored as you have done Philip Wolgin?

    Philip Wolgin: Five Ways to Move Forward on Immigration (

    07-20 11:20 AM
    Hi there,
    I changed my address using the online facility provided by USCIS by filling out the AR-11 form. I got the confirmation for that. After that when I started to change for pending petitions (I-485), lost my internet connection. I could not go back to that part again.

    I checked all the FAQ's etc but could not find a link that would explain how to change only the pending petitions, since AR-11 was already changed.

    Please let me know if anybody was in the similar situation.

    Thank you!!!