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  • toddybody
    Apr 19, 02:15 PM
    Seriously?! How long have you been waiting? Since last refresh?

    Keep dreaming. They couldn't even get a Radeon HD 5770, let alone a 5850. The best that could be done was a 5750 in the 27", and while it's not a terrible GPU, it's certainly nowhere near pro-level.

    Lulz to that. It's not like those things weren't key to the Early 2011 MacBook Pros being as critically acclaimed as they are now.

    No. While Mac mini updates could be right around the corner, the two are on different release timelines and aren't always released at the same time. Essentially, it's irrelevant.

    If the 5750 was the best that we got on the highest end model of current, then I'd be shocked if we got anything past 6770. We're definitely not getting cards that use up as much power as the iMac itself or require a second six-pin connector in the Desktop PCIe equivalent.

    Since July 2010; not even a full year really.

    Sure, but that doesn't mean it'll ever happen.

    How many of those machines have you seen naked? As in, without the glass or panel with bare innards in full view? My guess is not very many. They don't have the room to engineer a better video card in the 27". It's almost a wonder they even have the room for something like the Radeon HD 5750 in what they have now. It's not like they took the design of the 21.5", gave it a larger chasis and screen and suddenly had more room to play with. Even so, as it stands, both sizes of iMac get extraordinarily hot. Sure, the 5750 in the Mid-2010 27" model draws less heat than the 4850 in the Late-2009 27" model, but that difference is negligible and even with a 6 series GPU's improvement, I doubt the difference will be substantial enough to warrant THAT much more power relative to the 6 series' lineup.

    So, no, they couldn't engineer THAT much better of a card if they wanted. Not without making the iMac thicker than it already is. But it's Apple, they never do.

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  • Eidorian
    Aug 25, 11:54 AM
    Every single one of those (except perhaps home theater) would be much better suited with a cheaper VIA mini-ITX system running Linux. The only reason you should ever choose Mac OS X over Linux is in *visible* setups, not *invisible* setups.Sadly, I've tried to make cheaper VIA based mini-ITX systems. I usually end up getting a better buy from a Mac Mini.

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  • Benguitar
    Nov 25, 08:58 PM
    But it's a Ferrari.


    But it's a Pelican.

    Ferrari > Honda

    Pelican > Normal Eyeglasses Case

    ;) :p :D

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  • bedifferent
    May 3, 11:37 AM
    I'm not so sure that is true. I was teaching an elderly person how to drag and drop a file into a folder and the whole drag and drop concept did not seem all that easy to her�.

    I once had a client I set up a Windows box for years ago call me frantically in the middle of the night because she couldn't find the "any" key to continue...

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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Aug 31, 03:05 PM
    Knowing that Apple doesn't pay listed prices, it's not unreasonable to assume that Apple could get the Yonah chips for less than Merom ones.

    Also, Apple has historically liked to scale its product lineup to encourage buying then next item up the scale. Some have even referred to it as "crippling" the lower machines.Ahh crippling like using inferior Gpu's like in ProMac & Mini? Both GMA950 & 7300 are bottom tier.

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  • macthetiger85
    Apr 26, 04:44 PM
    Also i've never had a Mac.

    Does apple use the term "applications" for their software as opposed to "programs" like windows.

    If that is the case all Apple is doing is shortening their Mac name Applications to App. Everyone else is just copying them.

    Everyone else can call them programs and lets call it a day.

    Mac OS has used applications since i can remember - Jobs has used apps in keynotes to refer to Apple's apps way before iPhone.

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  • PlipPlop
    Mar 24, 01:05 PM
    Hmm I got crossfire 6970s wonder if will work in my hakintosh.

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  • Apple OC
    Mar 20, 06:49 PM
    seems like they may be targeting Gaddafi now ...

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  • iJawn108
    Jan 11, 09:11 PM
    i highly highly doubt they are calling it the "macbook air." that's borderline laughable. i am willing to bet the phase "there's something in the air" is referring to the soon to be announced rental service, not a piece of hardware. apple is making an obvious attempt to eliminate physical mediums altogether, first cds with mp3s and now dvds with downloadable vids (both via the itunes music store). everything will be available "in the air" or "up in the cloud," if you will. i'll be damned if they name their next product the "macbook air." c'mon people...
    Aperture 2.0 via iTunes... or maybe it just reefers to iPhone/iPod Touch apps.

    Or maybe it referes to a notebook that doesnt have a replaceable battery, though the new macbooks will be used as frisbees.

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  • Kyffin
    Apr 10, 09:52 AM
    Yes, although not legally for the next few months:o. Can drive a tractor too!

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  • aafuss1
    Aug 7, 03:46 AM
    Logic-already runs great on 32 bit Intel Macs. A update-v 7.3 that includes additional optimisations for Mac Pro users would be welcome.
    V8-could do the same, although my Babya Logic Pro 2 (

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 8, 09:52 PM
    I wouldn't do the comparison like that, the Dual G5 does offer you drive bays and expansion capabilities that you do not get with the Mini. I will take the G5 over the Mini at that price you got it for.Thanks. But I am mainly with the Quad and need to know the actual performance difference between the D 2 G5 and one of the CD or C2D models. Thanks. Please?

    I can't perform these tests in the stores because all the G5's are gone.

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  • aswitcher
    Aug 7, 03:42 AM
    I know! But this is special insider info I'm showing just to you, you can't let anyone else see it, you have to keep it a secret!

    Only 100 songs max I suppose ;)

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  • cderalow
    Jan 23, 08:43 AM
    Right, Recaro makes race and sports car buckets. I doubt they make a single baby seat. They are probably licensing their name to it.

    actually, they make the seats themselves.

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  • pesc
    Nov 27, 04:49 PM
    According to vendors cited by the article, 17" widescreen monitors will not necessarily be more expensive than the current 17" 4:3 models.

    Do the math! A wide screen 17" display has fewer pixels than a 4:3 17" display (given the same dpi).

    So I sincerely hope they aren't going to charge more for a wide display that has less pixels than a 4:3 display.

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  • neonmd
    Sep 17, 01:21 PM
    It is the best handheld device I have ever used. I could go on about most every feature but here is maybe my favorite. I have used the phone now for 2 days straight(I work that long about 5 times a month) and I still haven't dropped below 20% battery. This feature alone makes it unreal when you think of everything it does.
    No case for me.
    Can definitely make my bars drop in weak signal areas.
    Has never affected my use of the phone or anything else.
    Definitely recommend.
    Dropped my subscription to Consumer Reports.

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  • razzmatazz
    Aug 6, 10:51 PM
    It's like hoping you get a red shiny new bike from santa on christmas morning!!

    I really hope they come out with a phone. I don't care about anything else!:rolleyes:

    How many people think that they actually will come out with a phone?:D

    The only reason they would announce a phone at WWDC is if it had OS X on it. Otherwise you won't see it till MWSF

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  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 12:36 PM
    .You think my post is spam? :confused:

    well, if you post the same thing in several threads (especially if it's unrelated to the subject of the discussion), then yes, i think it's spam

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  • rdlink
    Mar 22, 09:59 PM
    I have way more than 50,000 songs, and even the worst of them is more necessary than your comment.

    To each his own. But come on. 497 days worth of music? That's almost a year and a half of listening to music 24 hours a day without listening to the same song twice. I think you'd have to replace the battery before then.

    Mar 24, 02:29 PM
    Hmm, maybe we are thinking of two different things. How is this going to maintain a protected path? How would Apple keep us from grabbing the stream as it is being sent to the GPU (to be shown on the screen)? That is the part I am thinking of, that is what HDCP/DPCP is supposed to prevent. If we are sending data down the PCIe side then how is it being protected from snooping?

    I've always found this obsession the industry has with "protected path" incredibly hilarious, because NO ONE in the piracy scene actually rips media from the video driver stream in any way, shape or form.

    Ripping is typically done directly from the media; the actual h.264 or MPEG video is decrypted from the disc and saved without even "playing" it the traditional way. It's always been that way since the days of DVDs; no serious pirate back then ripped from component or S-video jacks either.

    Why the media industry is so incredibly obsessed with protecting a path nobody actually rips from is beyond my understanding. It's like stationing an armed guard at your back door when all the robberies have happened through the front. In fact, I've never seen consumer equipment that can "record" a DVI stream.

    Apr 2, 05:32 PM
    On a happier note -- I don't think I've seen this mentioned yet -- DP 2 seems to be taking about 1.5gb less space.
    You sure? The DP2 installer is 3.7GB vs. 3.35GB of DP1.

    Nov 27, 07:19 AM
    =] bought it on Tuesday, of course it had to rain on Wednesday so that's why it's all dirty >.>

    More pictures when it's clean :P

    I just bought a mazda 3 to on Monday, I love it, its fun to drive to.

    I too have a Mazda 3 (2010), it is a lot of fun to drive, except the pickup can be weird some times. I drove it down to Pittsburgh once and it was a lot of fun on the thruway.

    Sep 15, 06:18 AM
    same here

    me three

    Nov 28, 11:30 AM
    Didn't you just buy a chair?

    Yeah, but I had to return it as it was defective. The seat wasn't level- it slanted to the left. I think that once I put it together, the hardware warped the seat. Initially I exchanged it, but the same thing happened with the replacement. I returned that for a refund, and have been on the hunt for a new chair ever since. I think this one is a winner.

    Is that popcorn machine an air-popper, or do you need to use oil?