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  • MacMan86
    Apr 23, 11:44 AM
    for all your defending of this feature ... can you give me even one positive reason this is good for the average person that out-weighs the negative ones ... just one

    Well that's easy - it seems the purpose of this file is to help you find your location quickly. Without this cache you'd waste bandwidth, time and battery power to look up information that was fixed (cell tower locations). It also means your phone can find your location when you don't have GPS signal, or simply not bother to turn GPS on, which is a win because it consumes so much power. Seems like a pretty compelling use to me. Read this for more info:

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  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 26, 01:54 PM
    App is a generic.
    Store is a generic.
    Appstore is a generic.


    Example: Grocery Store, Book Store, Appliance Store.

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  • Nym
    Nov 30, 08:53 AM
    Why not put wheels on a boat?


    That was nice :D

    You guys are always speculating about what it will or will not have, I mean, you could all be right, but then.. you could all be wrong, I'm not betting on anything till I see the real thing :)
    And there's one problem, is iTv supposed to be international or a USA only service? If it's supposed to be international Apple has to watch those "features", what's the point of people in Europe buying an iTv if half the "features" are not supported outside the US? :eek:

    However, Apple has always surprised us, iTv is gonna be great IMO, is there another way? :)

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  • Tmelon
    Apr 1, 04:04 PM
    Does Lion feel much faster and more stable? I mean it�s been like 5 or 6 weeks since DP1. They had plenty of time to eliminate bugs. I�m askin cause we don�t see too much new features expect redesigned iCal.

    Faster? Not so sure. More stable? Definitely. All of my main bugs have been fixed aside from the full screen apps on dual screens.

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  • islanders
    Dec 29, 08:04 PM
    I entirely DISagree :)

    It's the cost and convenience that will determine how successful iTS downloads are. I would hope for DVD quality (including surround sound).

    One day I'll have a HD screen and I'll be wanting to use a HD service.. so it'd be good for Apple to have a plan there for that :)

    Good point.

    But it seems like most people are dying for HD over here. We have quite a few cable and satellite providers that have HD and who ever offers the most channel, people are going to choose that one. Comcast is supposed to roll out 20 more HD channels in 07. The same goes for the others.

    Direct TV which is one of the major satellite providers didn�t anticipate the demand for HD DVD and they were on back order for months, about a month ago, when I was choosing a cable provider. You buy that HD DVD for $200, a two year contract for HD, and rent the box then return it. (yeah right?) And you had to get on a waiting list.

    I don�t think anyone anticipated the demand for HD. People watch programs they normally wouldn�t if it�s HD.

    There are still a lot of analog cable subscribers on Comcast, you don�t need a digital box, but they are going to be forced to use digital so Comcast can make room on the bandwidth for more HD channels.

    Digital 480p isn�t bad, but it�s 4:3 aspect.

    I would say PQ is the highest concern. And I agree price is also right up there, and it�s a different market.

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  • Earendil
    Nov 27, 02:58 PM
    But in reality, I don't think a 17" is Apple's answer. Lowering the prices of the current model lineup is indeed the way to go. I've been one of the biggest bitchers about Apple's price point on LCD's for years now. That 20" LCD should not be anymore than $299. Plain and simple...simple and plain!

    You people are incorrigible. I do hope people start reading the thread or doing some research before anyone else makes a fool of themselves.

    Apple LCDs are not worth the extra price tag as long as you do your home work before purchasing an LCD monitor from a different company.

    A little homework, Aye? (
    That's funny, I was thinking the same thing...

    Why do I find so much joy in pointing out other peoples ignorance and feeding them their own lines... I should be a college professor :rolleyes:

    nice quotes on love and life. nice quotes on life and love.
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  • leekohler
    Apr 20, 02:43 PM
    Yes, I love driving manual transmission cars. It's fun.

    nice quotes on love and life. Funny Quotes About Love And Life.
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  • Stella
    Mar 19, 04:31 PM
    All about the oil... "protect the citizens" is a perfect excuse. Sadly, because this is what it should be about.

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  • miamiracing
    Jan 27, 07:59 AM
    Some pics of my Impreza after a night of freezing rain:

    nice shots! yea i hated the freezing rain last week.

    how do you like the snow we got last night haha

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  • MistaBungle
    Mar 30, 09:11 PM
    Full screens apps now have a transition-drop down menubar rather than one that covers up the top of the application now.

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  • DrWeevil
    Apr 12, 09:06 PM
    Any chance the data center is going to play a role in the video capabilities of today's to-be-announced updates?

    There's gotta be some use for all that real estate they've paid for!

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  • Starchitect
    Oct 24, 12:54 AM
    7200rpm 160GB drive? Cute...:)

    Just a little wishfull thinking.

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  • Synchromesh
    Apr 21, 12:21 PM
    Amazing that a thread on whether or not a person CAN drive a stick shift car has turned into a full blown debate on the merits of automatic vs manual transmissions.
    Nothing amazing about it. Absolutely natural flow of conversation.

    Umm porsche not exactly a valid argument of a car and that falls in the sports car catigory. Complete different field
    There are several cars that sell more manuals: WRX, Miata, Wrangler, etc. Some cars are available ONLY with a manual, example: Civic Si. My Integra GS-R is manual-only. While most of these are specialty cars hardly any of them are expensive or not mainstream.

    As for the rest of your arguments there is way too much misinformation in there to be worth digging through. The point is that a newer automatic is fairly sophisticated and does pretty well, in some cases even as well as the manual. But for pure driving pleasure there is no replacement for the 3rd pedal even in a Ferrari. Anyway you slice it. That's why I buy mine manual only and I would NOT drive an automatic car at all.

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  • Funny Quotes About Love And Life. funny quotes about love and; funny quotes about love and. Chip NoVaMac. Jan 22, 09:38 PM

  • flopticalcube
    Nov 28, 02:21 PM
    Memory Stick

    PSone & PS2?

    Like MS, the winners pay for the losers. As a trader once told me, you only have to be right 51% of the time to make a profit.

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  • AAPLaday
    Mar 26, 04:43 AM
    Would need to be wireless for me. Either that or a really long cable. I dont like sitting too close to the tv when its on

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  • HecubusPro
    Aug 29, 05:21 PM
    Quite a few people on this board want Apple to simply announce the next Macbook Pro with Merom, even if it has delayed shipping. That would, however, compel students who need computers now to look elsewhere.

    (1000th post - WOOT!)

    I agree with you completely on this point, without having heard it put that way before. And congrats on the 1K post. :)

    nice quotes on love and life. funny quotes on life and love.
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  • eenu
    Aug 16, 11:52 AM
    Also, I think this may iimpact one of the features I use most, Lib sharing at home.

    there is a destinct difference between 'sharing' and 'synching'.

    nice quotes on love and life. funny quotes about life and love. funny quotes on life and love. funny quotes on life and love. Aduntu. Apr 15, 01:06 PM
  • funny quotes about life and love. funny quotes on life and love. funny quotes on life and love. Aduntu. Apr 15, 01:06 PM

  • ObsidianIce
    Jul 19, 06:55 PM
    Ahhh, as a loyal user, and stockholder this is what i like to hear. And i agree it is nice to personally be able to say that you've helped!

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  • hob
    Aug 6, 09:09 PM
    Oh my

    it's like christmas come early

    infact it's better

    christmas sucks, and it's cold

    WWDC is my favourite holiday :p

    Mar 23, 03:08 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I lost my 160gb and I've been waiting for a classic update to buy. There's no chance I'll buy until it updates with a 220 drive so I can put all my videos and music. Let's go Apple!!

    Jan 12, 02:40 PM
    thinking back how many people called the iPod, mac mini and macbook name stupid it's very likely already confirmed

    on the other side it would be much more logical to refer to wimax or other such features

    I love the 'i' idea its like saying 'my' mymac=imac, etc

    the macbook however is a name that pales in comparision to the powerbook.

    Mar 19, 05:32 PM
    That's why the US shouldn't have invaded Iraq.

    I don't think so. Gaddafi willingly traded Libya's oil, currently no oil at all is traded, and I don't think the rebels (unorganized as they are) will do a good job at it anytime soon. The nations now supporting the air strikes against Gaddafi would have been better off quietly sending him weapons to mute the rebels if they wanted oil.

    Even if it didn't directly affect the oil trade, I wouldn't be surprised if yet another US base or two somehow gets negotiated into the aftermath. That's also "securing the oil". If we one day figure out how to do fusion, and make electric cars work or something, we wouldn't give a crap about which leader kills eachother there.

    Sep 7, 09:55 AM
    I just bought a brand new core solo from a reseller 4 days ago!!! Is there any remedy for me?

    This sucks.

    Nov 27, 05:54 PM
    Apple needs to do something to distinguish their flat panels from most other available. How about integrated ipod dock? Oops - Viewsonic just beat them to the punch with 19 and 22" versions with integrated dock (VX2245wm) - they look sweet, and reportably can play your ipod videos directly on screen.