mac os wallpaper

mac os wallpaper. Dark Apple OSX | Today#39;s
  • Dark Apple OSX | Today#39;s

  • mckvakk
    Feb 24, 04:54 PM
    My rather cramped set up.
    I will buy a new, twice as wide desk as soon as i can get someone to help me transport it from IKEA:p

    mac os wallpaper. next iteration of Mac OS
  • next iteration of Mac OS

  • comacnut
    Feb 18, 02:58 PM
    New work machine.

    mac os wallpaper. Wallpaper for MAC OS X:
  • Wallpaper for MAC OS X:

  • SchneiderMan
    Nov 23, 07:30 PM


    Hustle :)

    mac os wallpaper. Mac OS X iPhone Wallpaper
  • Mac OS X iPhone Wallpaper

  • Horrortaxi
    May 2, 02:59 AM
    I must have missed something. What does latin have to do with "Saving" Apple? :confused:
    Nothing at all. He was showing us how smart he is. I tremble before his ostentatious display of knowledge. He is truly my superior. He doesn't need a point--that's how cool he is.

    mac os wallpaper. Wallpapers / Mac Os X
  • Wallpapers / Mac Os X

  • eawmp1
    Apr 21, 11:21 AM
    Is Al Frankin running for president again? :rolleyes:

    mac os wallpaper. apple-wallpaper-2009-oct-44
  • apple-wallpaper-2009-oct-44

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Nov 30, 05:51 AM
    My guess would be too much cost for such a small market. There's not a lot of 1080p content out there and even less 1080p displays. For a first gen device, I think 720p would be good enough. Maybe even 480p if it's cheap enough.

    Although, in the end it'll probably depend on bandwidth limitations. They never said what protocol they'll be using. Some are assuming 802.11n, but that would limit them to the newest Intel Macs with a firmware upgrade.
    What if the iTV did both, which it will? B, G and N. They would offer the same quality download to start with. Broadband connections haven't reached acceptable levels for HD movie downloads in 1080p etc. So as is, if you have an intel Mac, all it means is that the video, movie etc. will shoot over to your TV a heck of alot quicker. The name's gonna be "Teleport" by the way.

    mac os wallpaper. wallpaper mac os.
  • wallpaper mac os.

  • BRLawyer
    Aug 26, 09:56 AM
    Hehehe...we have some true believers here... :rolleyes:

    Mini Tower Mac = PowerBook G5 anyone?

    mac os wallpaper. Mac OS Wallpaper
  • Mac OS Wallpaper

  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 10:14 PM
    You realize that you'll be on Aperture 5 before you spend more money than just buying 3 outright. The upgrade from 2 to 3 cost more than just buying 3 on the app store.

    Why do you want to spend more money?

    If I buy Aperture 3, 4, and 5 on the app store I'll have spent $240.

    Didn't it used to be $300 for 1 version? What did the upgrades cost? I feel like I'll be way past 5 before I break even.

    Available on the App Store?!?

    Seriously, this better come in a box.

    I can't get this approved for use without probably buying it myself first, let alone using my own iTunes account, which brings up a whole lot of licensing issues at work. And before you say "create a iTunes account for work."... Tying the corporate credit card to a shared iTunes account? I'd have a better chance of having our CEO give me one of his Jaguars than that. Not to mention, IT would slaughter me for the amount of bandwidth I'd use in downloading it.

    Yeah, our editing machines aren't even allowed to be on the internet.

    Hopefully there's a way around this.

    mac os wallpaper. mac-os-x-iphone-wallpaper
  • mac-os-x-iphone-wallpaper

  • tekmoe
    Oct 23, 07:03 PM
    I love reading the one off posts from a bitter MBP owner who's precious is on the verge of discontinue...ment...

    me too. i can easily picture them sitting behind the screen biting their nails while hoping new mbp's are not released. then they have the incredible urge to post totally useless comments because they can't bare the fact that their mbp is about to be outdated.

    haha! i love it!

    mac os wallpaper. MAC OS X Aurora HD Wallpaper
  • MAC OS X Aurora HD Wallpaper

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 6, 08:10 PM
    Apple should let the record companies do variable pricing on their product as well.

    would lead to some older albums at 7.99 and some newer at say 12.99.

    mac os wallpaper. mac os leopard wallpaper. mac
  • mac os leopard wallpaper. mac

  • scott523
    Nov 15, 11:18 AM
    Wow envious benchmark results there. Anybody notice the 74GB 10,000RPM HD on the Intel QX6700 spec (that's first for me)? :eek:

    mac os wallpaper. Mac OS X Wallpaper
  • Mac OS X Wallpaper

  • silbeej
    Jan 23, 04:28 PM
    yup 89 accord with 42,000 miles in it, 5 speed manual :D

    Um...42k? Thats extremely low for such a reliable car. Figured that would have 242k or 342k on it.

    mac os wallpaper. Mac OS X Snow Leopard for 3gs
  • Mac OS X Snow Leopard for 3gs

  • Mattsasa
    Apr 2, 09:42 PM
    so basically they are telling us the only difference is that it is faster lighter and thinner and we should buy a new one for that. O ya we got a back camera that is useless to 99% of us and a front for facetime which again almost no one uses.

    It is very obvious when someone has no idea what they are talking about, and just making up false information.

    mac os wallpaper. Wallpaper For Mac Os X.
  • Wallpaper For Mac Os X.

  • Chundles
    Apr 3, 05:04 AM
    Recent files now show in the Dock menu of closed and open apps (not sure if this is new), clicking show recents shows them as tiles like as in DP1


    Spotlight has smaller icons and Google and Wikipedia (been mentioned), but now has dictionary meanings again and the pronunciation


    Directory Utility now has an editor which is like OS X Server's Workgroup Manager. presumably as Server will be included now.

    - can press ctrl+up again to close Mission Control, doesnt work with ctrl-down for Expos� app windows though
    - the Sites folder in home is gone (Apache and Web Sharing still there though)

    overall things just seem a little quicker, animations are smoother and getting less Dock, SystemUIServer & Finder crashes. still a few crashes and UI bugs around the place.

    If you scroll up over the icon of a closed app in the dock you see thumbnails of those recent files. Pretty cool.

    mac os wallpaper. Grab Mac OS X Snow Leopards
  • Grab Mac OS X Snow Leopards

  • rickdollar
    Apr 19, 02:51 PM
    They will either skip it altogether or perhaps replace all USB 2 ports with USB 3 ones (thus keeping TB as the "advanced" FW equivalent)...

    I could see them replacing USB 2 with 3 (in Ivy Bridge) as they did with 1 and 2.
    It will be interesting to see what they do as far as iPhone and iPad connectivity when both USB 3 and TB available. My guess would be to use USB 3 and be backwards compatible with USB 2. I doubt they would use TB as I think there would be very few Windows machines and Macs out there with it.

    If that turns out to be the case, hopefully there will be a TB to USB 3 adapter to take advantage of the highest speeds the device is capable of.

    But then again, none of this stuff is really THAT important:)
    We'll see what happens.

    mac os wallpaper. Mac OSX Leopard Wallpaper
  • Mac OSX Leopard Wallpaper

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Feb 22, 07:09 PM
    Why do Americans harbor hate for diesel? I'm not very familiar with the differences between the fuels, other than gasoline is more refined.

    mac os wallpaper. (Choose your MAC wallpaper
  • (Choose your MAC wallpaper

  • baxterbrittle
    Aug 29, 10:16 AM
    Good observation. Would be nice to see the price point on the Mini come back down to starting at $499.

    Perhaps they were daydreaming during economics class. :rolleyes:

    READ MY LIPS: Merom will not appear in the MacBook or Mini during 2006.

    That's the same line of thought prior to the MacBook release - everyone thought they would run core solo's in the base model. The Mini could be Merom but like most here I think it will have a Yonah and hopefully go back to the $499 US price point. Personally I'm hoping they will do a MacPro and only have one model with various processor optical drive configs. Say a 1.66GHz Core Duo 512MB RAM 80GB HDD Combo BT AP etc. Then optional 1.83/2.0 Yonah 100/120GB HDD Superdrive etc. That's just me though.

    mac os wallpaper. Default Leopard Wallpaper
  • Default Leopard Wallpaper

  • RayLancer
    Sep 30, 03:40 PM
    did u get that weird watermarks like on wolfboy's post a few posts up?

    I don't have the cases on me, I just got it this morning before heading to work. I'll be sure to post back. The cases are cheap for $4 each and I'm planning on replacing them at some point soon.

    mac os wallpaper. Tony G. Mac OS X Leopard
  • Tony G. Mac OS X Leopard

  • whooleytoo
    Jul 20, 05:47 AM
    And since just about all OEM's wil preload Vista on their machines, the sales-numbers will be HUGE.

    I think this is the key - once Vista comes out what OEM will be able to continue selling PCs with XP installed? Even if Vista's hardware requirements were a Core 2 Duo with 2GB RAM, they'd build every PC with a minimum of a Core 2 Duo with 2GB RAM, because they can't afford not to be on the Vista bandwagon.

    Apr 13, 01:52 AM
    I love the fact that Apple has adopted the iMovie UI for FCP X. That makes the transition from iMovie to FCP X that much easier

    You make your living editing film or video? Didn't think so...


    Too bad they didn't mention anything about rest of the FCS apps, nothing about volume licensing, other delivery methods then App Store, upgrade pricing from FCS.

    May 2, 07:50 PM
    They could have simplified the whole process in the following way:

    (blah blah blah)

    Both sound more logical and intuitive than this.
    You assume that the method described here is/will be the ONLY way to do this.

    How many different ways can you create a new folder on a hard drive? I can think of three without even trying.

    I guess that's way easier than dragging it to the trash?
    Dragging an application to the trash doesn't delete all the associated files littering your Library, or hidden files, or…

    Aug 7, 07:30 AM
    For the sake of those who want to remain surprised until we see the video, there should be a page on MacRumors that says "will post link when video available" - so I can just check that page for the video to be uploaded later in the day. I plan to completely avoid all news until I see the video.

    dpaanlka, you are stronger than I. ;)

    May 2, 06:37 PM
    But my iPhone is far more limited than my first Windows PC in that regard. Even with Windows 95 I could go from one app to another while letting the other on load in the background. iOS freezes everything. If I want a video to upload on Facebook, I have no choice but to keep the app open until it's done. On my PC, I can start the upload and then move on to other things while the process is completing.

    I find moving to non-true multitasking as a step backward, not a step forward. As you said, out systems capabilites are able to do so much more. I can be playing a computer game, hit the Windows key, and open a media player and never see a drop in performance. Why limit your computer to one task at a time? Kind of defeats the point of multi-core processors.

    I upload large videos all the time on my iPhone, in the background. This has been built in since multitasking was introduced (if an app you are using doesn't do this, that's the developers fault).

    Weird. When I ask someone a yes/no question, I expect a yes/no response.

    Do you understand what I mean?

    Mar 1, 09:06 AM
    Just a few more images from the iphone as I got the braided sleeving yesterday and fitted it all today, even neater lol :P