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  • anime wolf girl.

  • Silentwave
    Jul 14, 02:57 AM
    ... and what you'd loose when the disk goes bad :mad:

    so just burn two :)

    or just wait until ferroelectric memory comes out- imagine having the equivalent of a few 500GB external HDs in a device the size of a small thumb drive, solid state but without any heads to crash- the capacity of huge HDs, the reliability and ability to maintain data without power of flash memory, and access speed like RAM.

    anime wolves pics. red anime wolf pup.
  • red anime wolf pup.

  • elcid
    Jan 12, 10:42 AM
    Apple doesnt seem to mess around with naming too much. iPhone. iPod Touch. MacBook Pro.

    MacBook Air? I agree with whoever said it sounds like a shoe. No way is it an actual Apple name.

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  • anime wolves drawings.

  • Chris Bangle
    Sep 1, 12:10 PM
    Why not make a 30inch macbook pro.:cool: how hard can it be.

    anime wolves pics. anime wolves drawings.
  • anime wolves drawings.

  • arn
    Sep 1, 11:50 AM
    How reliable is MacOSXrumors?

    In the past they haven't been particularly notable, but the Leopard reports seemed real, and so this one is given more credence. Obviously, we'll know more on Sept 12th. :)


    anime wolves pics. Anime Wolf Elements.
  • Anime Wolf Elements.

  • OdduWon
    Nov 28, 11:30 AM
    Deep pockets or not, MS will have a struggle to find a niche. But at least they were smart enough to put in a radio.

    Agreed, even though am/Fm is in decline, People STILL LOVE FM, there are some great indie college stations around. Which if i could listen to on my ipod i would. If every ipod had a tuner then people on campus could all listen, and experience the same thing. outside the station on campus they have speakers playing whats on air. People gather in the courtyard and socialize, at certain times probbably too. This could be a easy feature to add with big impact.

    Also, :D , Perhaps the current iPod fm adapter will become the iStation/PodCaster? A light to signal on air, and others can tune in to hear your playlists or some type of browsing or podcast viewing emitted from the shuffle sized transmitter:rolleyes:

    anime wolves pics. anime wolves with wings. anime
  • anime wolves with wings. anime

  • cube
    Mar 24, 05:00 PM
    OpenGL is much more like Direct3D. A part of DirectX. DirectX is just a collection of multiple API's. DirectSound is like OpenAL for example.

    You seem to think that DirectX 10.1 cards can't support OpenCL. Well newsflash, they can. DirectX is irrelevant in this conversation not only because it has nothing to do with Mac OS X but because it also has nothing to do with what you're associating it with. The equivalent to OpenCL is DirectCompute.

    I am talking about graphics capabilities now.

    anime wolves pics. and wolves
  • and wolves

  • fr0
    Aug 16, 11:43 AM
    The Register has an article claiming that Apple Taiwan has come out and denied this claim.

    Read it Here (

    anime wolves pics. anime wolf girl with white
  • anime wolf girl with white

  • Yahgo
    Sep 8, 02:58 PM
    This sure is starting to sound like MOVIEBEAM... and who owns that???

    Walt Disney Owns MOVIEBEAM.

    anime wolves pics. The Black Artic Wolf
  • The Black Artic Wolf

  • SciFrog
    Dec 13, 06:09 PM

    I was over at kakaostats and saw there is someone new this week "elena" (, up only since tuesday and they already have over 4M points! Must be an institution with a wicked fast cluster? Some serious players out there...

    You are #103 cruncher for the whole project, whao!
    And actually #1 and #2 are default user, not real...

    Can't wait for Gulftown Mac Pros and SMP2 (maybe 60k PPD with one machine?).

    anime wolves pics. Wolf#39;s Rain pack (Wolf#39;s
  • Wolf#39;s Rain pack (Wolf#39;s

  • shawnce
    Nov 17, 11:27 AM
    Will consider a Mac Pro if it gets 8 cores and they drop the FB-DIMMs. Don't want FB-DIMMs, they have the definite feel of an overcomplicated solution to a problem. FB-DIMM are likely the future... it will truly start to will shine when they make available more channels out of the memory controllers allowing bandwidth to scale and it hides memory specifics from the memory controller allowing advancements in DIMMs to remain compatible with existing systems.

    anime wolves pics. anime wolf drawings.
  • anime wolf drawings.

  • BabyFaceMagee
    Jan 13, 01:34 PM
    Apple dosent registor domain names like that...

    Apple doesn't purchase individual sites for its products. They put everything under the site. go try looking for or and you'll see they just go to individual user's sites. So no site registered to Apple doesn't mean anything.

    anime wolves pics. anime wolf girl with white
  • anime wolf girl with white

  • rhythmac
    Nov 27, 04:36 PM
    Stop buying things for yourself! 'Tis the season of giving, you know.

    but I need so many things! Am I selfish?...well maybe a little, but don't judge!!!!

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  • prt Anime+wolves+and+foxes

  • Epsilon88
    Oct 23, 10:32 PM
    Just subscribed online w/ Consumer Reports. I've always trusted their advice, and it's led me well.

    anime wolves pics. anime wolves with wings.
  • anime wolves with wings.

  • maconservative
    Mar 23, 10:29 AM
    Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!

    220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.

    Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.

    This is a bit presumptuous.

    anime wolves pics. anime wolves with wings. anime
  • anime wolves with wings. anime

  • gr8whtd0pe
    Jan 23, 12:25 AM
    They make racing and sport seats

    DUH. I knew it sounded familiar but I was thinking baby seats... I'm a tard lol.

    can anybody guess what year/model it is? :D

    Uhh deff early 90's/late 80's... I'm going to go with accord?

    anime wolves pics. anime wolf puppy.
  • anime wolf puppy.

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 2, 03:01 PM
    The VW diesels are very well-built cars. A friend bought an '09 Jetta TDI and he is satisfied with it. I checked out the BMW 335d at the Detroit Auto show a year ago or so, and while I like the car BMW only offers it as a sedan and the base price is a laughably expensive $44k. If you won't buy a VW and want a newish diesel, your only other vaguely affordable option is a used W210/W211 (1996-2009) Mercedes Benz E-Class diesel. Nice cars, but you'll have to find one and it will be used (and not particularly cheap).

    Are the Diesel versions built in Germany?

    The Jetta I have is a 2000 1.8T, assembled in Puebla, and I would not call it "well-built" at all. I won't go so far as to call it a lemon, but there's evidence of poor engineering and poor assembly throughout the car. I suppose it was a first-year model...

    In hindsight, I do wish I'd have gotten the Diesel variant of the era, but all in all, I still think I could've done better with a Honda. YMMV.

    anime wolves pics. anime wolves with wings. the
  • anime wolves with wings. the

  • Small White Car
    Aug 29, 09:17 AM
    How much would it hurt Apple to just double the height of the Mini and put a 1.83 GHz Conroe (Allendale) in there and a 3.5" Hard Drive? I'm pretty sure no-one would be whining about that. It would also get the price back down to $499 easy!

    Oh, yeah, of course that is MY fantasy too. I'd love for them to beef up the mini at a cost of size only. I'd be the first to buy one of those.

    I'm afraid, however, that Apple was very successful at convincing people that the mini is not at all like the old cube Mac. That was good since it had the reputation of being overpriced, but it also means that I can't see Apple making the mini any bigger. To do so would make it look like they were headed back that way. Even if the price got lower it would be an image they didn't want to encourage.

    anime wolves pics. black anime wolf pup. anime
  • black anime wolf pup. anime

  • jpine
    Apr 20, 12:07 AM
    The GPU alone in this revision will determine whether I'm buying an iMac or building a PC. If the GPU is even close to competitive in the gaming dept. for a little while, then I'm in.

    +1 with the exception of waiting (yet longer) for a mac pro instead of a PC. I'm not a gamer but I would like a decent graphics card for 3D apps.

    anime wolves pics. ANIME WOLVES

  • Rocketman
    Oct 23, 07:21 AM
    The fact this rumour comes from a "reliable" source is helpful. But since MB and MBP have been dry for WEEKS there and they (Apple supply chain) typically do things to prep europe before the USA due to the added lead times, is this really a rumor or merely "european news" of a defacto event that simply has not yet been announced in the USA?

    You know, like 20 truckloads of iPods leaving the factory in China, or Intel announcing Clovertown C2Q for mid-November which happens to socket right into and be immediately recognized by Mac Pro's, or the reports from Chinese factory town newspapers of contracts for "new" MacBooks, MacBook Pros, wide screen iPod, etc.

    Those are actually news not rumours, right?


    Sep 1, 01:23 PM
    iMac is already wildly popular. they have no reason for aggressive pricing.

    You must have missed my post on doing the price comparison a la the Mac Pro. I feel they should have to prove the "more expensive" myth wrong CLEAR across the board.

    Agaetis Byrjun
    Feb 21, 08:35 PM
    Very nice.

    What music genre do you dabble in? And what monitors are those? Do they sit that flush out of the box or did you hack the stand off in favour of some armature?

    I'd say most of the stuff I do is indie rock, shoegazer and some electronic style stuff. No real strict genre.

    I have two 24" HP monitors that are on their original stands and sit like that right out of the box. You can adjust the height but I like it at the lowest, that way I get a bit more sunlight in.

    The other lone monitor is a 21" Viewsonic. That one I did remove the stock stand and now it's just sitting on a hard case that one of my microphones came in and is just leaning up against the wall. A bit ghetto but it doesn't look too bad.

    Mar 23, 08:33 AM
    Apple is totally a lone player in this market of HDD-based high capacity MP3 player. The only thing prohibiting me from nabbing one of these is the highly scratchable chrome back. If Apple goes with full unibody aluminum enclosure, I'll nab one for sure.

    Seriously? The only reason that you haven't picked up a high-capacity iPod is because you might scratch the back side? :confused:

    Aug 24, 11:48 PM
    lets hope they do more than just put in a new CPU.

    ie a bigger better macmini

    Also, i echo the thoughts of looking forward towards a new MBP (hopefully in new design also)

    People also believe the iMac is due for a refresh, even new form.

    To be honest, I hope Apple does over all those units and announces some killer new ipods.

    basically to launch an entire new line of consumer products for the fall winter season. Would love that!!

    Aug 18, 07:42 PM
    I wish they would make wireless ipods soon. But I just dont think that it's gonna happen.

    You can guess my feelings on this from the above discusssion but why do you want the wireless? I have seen one (maybe two) ideas that caught my eye; but not enough too change my opinion on the negative cost/benefit impact including wireless as envisioned by many here would have on my beloved device. I'm just curious as to your possible ideas or is it just cuz wireless is the latest buzzword - regardless whether it is actually useful, beneficial, effective, having a positive impact on the device in question?

    So, why do you "...wish that they would make wireless iPods soon,"? What would you like to see in particular, why and how would it work technically?

    I know I'm new here and I must seem a negative ass, but I just don't get why many of you would want this, let alone be frothing at the mouth. Do you not see the negatives (or, if not "negatives," at least the redundancy, bloat, PR Hype to get a few extra bucks out of you for something IMO not really worth it, etc? See my voluminous comments above). I really do love apple and it's all I really use when posible in my line of work (that must sound like the "I have black friends," line but it's true in this case). When I'm home, I won't even allow my wife's lab PC to sound the startup/shutdown chime. It's muted or it goes out the window...:D

    I've even made inroads with one of the most resistant to change institutions as noted above and an SOB CO who at first laughed at apple then nearly shite himself when I presented a REAL analysis of apple's price/security/abilities/etc benefits vs the crap PCs we're forced to use backed up by my real world work product that he had praised to no end, had officially commmended me for in the past and had no clue the praise was due to the fact that I was skirting the current sec reqs by using my own machines and apps (apple) to blow him and others away at briefings.

    Anyway, would you mind sharing why you want it so bad as I asked above?