windows black wallpaper

windows black wallpaper. a lack wallpaper with an evil
  • a lack wallpaper with an evil

  • bretm
    Sep 7, 10:16 AM
    Netflix is made for movies! I love Apple but they'll never do for movies what Netflix has! In the past 5 weeks, I've had 21 movies delivered to my door. I'm on the 3-at-a-time plan (unlimited for $17.99/mo). Also, I can buy tons of used DVDs for $5.99 that are 100% guaranteed!

    I think a dollar a song is one thing because you can pick and choose from an album so the trade-off for quality is justified. However, $9.99 is a lot to ask for something that is very low quality, only looks really good an a 2" screen and takes a long time to download. Right now, we don't even know if you can back the file up or burn to a DVD. I think Apple will do ok, but I don't see it being the same bonanza that that music was/is.

    Netflix will slow down your service most likely. You'll start to see online that the movies you've sent back haven't quite cleared yet and that movies being sent out start to slow down.

    Unless things have changed recently. But that's what they've done in the past.

    windows black wallpaper. windows black wallpaper.
  • windows black wallpaper.

  • aussie_geek
    Oct 23, 05:52 PM
    all i can say about this thread is MEH... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    it seems that every week there is a new fu*#ing thread about impending macbook pro updates. if you want one now - just go buy it. my macbook pro rips the socks of my g5. :eek:

    if you are waiting for something special going by figures on the core2duo, it will be ripping the socks of the current macbook pro by 10 % . :rolleyes:

    we are only talking seconds here - maybe your boot time will be 5 sec quicker than a current model. maybe you will be able to encode a movie 30 seconds quicker (mind you this type of operation takes minutes to complete) . are you going to specially go out and check that yours boots better than a current model one?? if you are, then well... umm - see a doctor first :p

    are you really going to put the processors to the test and run them at full utilization for long periods of time to prove all these things? if you do, your macbook pro will self combust through the table, or even worse - your lap!!:eek:

    finally, all of these new components that everyone is waiting for generate more heat. more ram, new video cards, and chips will generate more heat. macbook pro's are hot enough.... to accommodate all of these new hotter components, a new cooling system would need to be developed. these things take time.

    i reakon there will be a minor speed bump (.3 of a Ghz mind you... :rolleyes: ) next week and a total revision at macworld in january - 90 days from now...

    flame me if you wish but just sit back and think about real life scenario's where a core 2 duo will REALLY be of massive benefit to you.... santa rosa is the platform you should wait for.


    windows black wallpaper. Black Desktop Wallpaper
  • Black Desktop Wallpaper

  • frankie
    Aug 25, 10:41 AM
    I thought Yonah and Merom are basically the same cost-wise. That's why everyone thinks including merom in new systems won't raise the price of those systems.

    Exactly so. For everyone's reference, here's a current Intel price chart (per CPU in lots of 1000):

    It makes certain options quite clear. For example:

    windows black wallpaper. windows xp lack wallpaper.
  • windows xp lack wallpaper.

  • mytdave
    Apr 26, 01:33 PM
    I think it's stupid for Apple to have "App Store" as a trademark. It is too generic. Trademarks, like patents, are out of control.

    However, the same thing can be said for "Windows" and "1-Click". So, if "App Store" is to be invalidated, then these other trademarks should be invalidated as well, not to mention a whole host of other trademarks that can be considered "too generic".

    Pot meet Kettle.

    windows black wallpaper. windows black wallpaper.
  • windows black wallpaper.

  • Bregalad
    Apr 20, 01:10 PM
    what's the first letter in imac?

    An all-in-one computer is just another consumer device. Bring on the Mac Pros

    Intel won't have new Mac Pro CPUs available until fall. It's a strange way to run a company actually. Release the consumer stuff first and wait most of the year to give the pros something that beats the consumer stuff. Then a couple months later release new consumer stuff that matches the vastly more expensive pro stuff. Seems backward to everyone except Intel.

    I think that's one of the reasons why Apple has held off with the iMac upgrade. They wanted the MacBook Pro to be ahead for a few months because it's a "pro" model line.

    To the person who claimed iMac was held back because of the chipset defect, they obviously haven't counted the high speed SATA channels correctly. The 27" iMac only uses two (SSD and HD). A slot loading optical drive is pretty much the slowest device you can put in a computer these days and can be run off any crap bus.

    windows black wallpaper. windows 7 wallpaper black
  • windows 7 wallpaper black

  • twoodcc
    Sep 1, 02:46 PM
    can't wait til Sep. 12! :eek:

    windows black wallpaper. lack wallpapers,
  • lack wallpapers,

  • takao
    Mar 2, 04:52 PM
    the fact that after the second generation Jetta, VW had to rename the car in germany/europe (Bora, Vento) and still had lousy sales there, should have been a warning sign

    the last few generations of the jetta have been absolute rubbish ... i hoping this new generation is actually better

    windows black wallpaper. Broken Vista wallpapers have
  • Broken Vista wallpapers have

  • QCassidy352
    Aug 24, 06:13 PM
    the new intel integrated graphics isn't ready, is it? So these will be merom minis with a GMA 950?

    windows black wallpaper. windows black wallpaper.
  • windows black wallpaper.

  • maverick808
    Oct 24, 06:12 AM
    UK store down too!

    windows black wallpaper. lack wallpaper windows 7
  • lack wallpaper windows 7

  • Michaelgtrusa
    May 3, 04:33 AM
    A good uninstaller is need in OS 10. I'd like to know where and how much is installed.

    windows black wallpaper. Black Beauty XP WindowBlinds
  • Black Beauty XP WindowBlinds

  • lordonuthin
    Mar 23, 04:50 PM
    yes, congrats to designed for 1 million points!

    and congrats to you, whiterabbit for 11 million points!

    but why is it not showing you hit 11 million points for the team?


    I don't know? :confused:

    windows black wallpaper. windows black wallpaper.
  • windows black wallpaper.

  • Ping Guo
    Jun 23, 03:01 AM
    Apple made a device for these people - the iPad.

    For a desktop, errr, what is the advantage over a mouse? A mouse is more precise and far more comfortable to use as your arm is resting on a horizontal surface. Imagine swiping all over a 27" iMac screen for hours. Neck and shoulder pain anyone?

    Touchscreen smartphones: Ideal
    Touchscreen tablets/netbooks: Has advantages
    Touchscreen desktops: No benefit

    We're very used to using a mouse, but it's definitely not the most natural way to interact with a computer. It's not easy either. I've seen old people that never could figure out how to double click without moving the cursor 50 pixels from where they wanted to click.

    windows black wallpaper. Windows Black XP Wallpaper
  • Windows Black XP Wallpaper

  • donfishinghocke
    Jan 10, 12:11 PM
    My 2010 Evo X. Soo fast, and so fun!

    windows black wallpaper. a Windows 7 wallpaper:
  • a Windows 7 wallpaper:

  • daneoni
    Sep 1, 02:26 PM
    I think it'll be a crime for Apple not to use Conroes in the iMac, they withstood the G5 processors so i dont see any reason as to why they cant do the same for Conroe. Using only merom or xeon processors is just to big a gap and is not ideal. Worse it may plumet the iMac sales unless there is a must have feature in the new revision.

    Why would i want to upgrade from a current core duo imac to a merom imac when the performance difference is only 10-15% at best...for a desktop it makes no sense whatsoever and that means the iMac would purely be form over function. The again Apple fans tend to buy anything no matter how illogical

    windows black wallpaper. Black Wallpaper For Windows
  • Black Wallpaper For Windows

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 29, 09:11 AM
    Why is everyone so hung up on Merom?

    I never expected the mini to go that way this year. Remember, the entire point of the mini is to be LOW COST.

    The switch to Intel caused the price of the mini to jump $100. I would much rather see its processor lag behind a little bit if they can get that price back to $499.

    Same thing with the Macbook, I'd rather see a $999 Macbook with the current chips than a $1,099 Macbook that keeps up with the Macbook Pro's chips.

    Of course, there's nothing saying Apple will lower the prices but IF they do then I would be very happy to see the "old" Intel chips stay in those machines another 6 months. The first core chips are still VERY fast chips, it's the rest of the system (video card) that's holding things up now. I wonder how much extra benefit you'd even get from a Merom chip in a mini.

    To cut the price of the Mini by $100, Apple better hope Intel are doing a "Half Price" cut which is extremely unlikely. How much would it hurt Apple to just double the height of the Mini and put a 1.83 GHz Conroe (Allendale) in there and a 3.5" Hard Drive? I'm pretty sure no-one would be whining about that. It would also get the price back down to $499 easy!

    windows black wallpaper. with lack background.
  • with lack background.

  • zap2
    Apr 19, 11:49 AM
    Awesome. :)

    And please, dear God, let there be new Minis - I've been checking MacRumors multiple times per day lately hoping for any Mini rumors.

    Seriously, if I were to upgrade my current Mini(which is from early 2006) with a new CPU, I wouldn't be that far behind the current Mini is CPU performance(of course the GPU would still smoke mine.

    Thats not a common event in Apple's line up. Although it speaks nicely about Intel supporting sockets for a decent amount of time.

    But thunderbolt, sandy bridge and the new design(which makes some stuff easier, some harder for me when it comes to upgrade, but looks so sexy!) make an upgrade to the new Mini a no brainer for me. Heck even the CPU will be a great step up from the Intel GMA 950!

    windows black wallpaper. Extreme Black Wallpapers
  • Extreme Black Wallpapers

  • Digitalclips
    Mar 23, 08:40 AM
    Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!

    220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.

    Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.

    My classic is full, mix of music from my CDs (and old LPs I digitized myself) and a few audio books. I've re ripped my entire CD collection at the highest rate on my Mac but cannot re sync my iPod now as it would overflow like mad. I'd love at least 220 GB. I've wondered about trying to do it myself but decided against it as I've no idea if it would work ... I should google that! ;)

    windows black wallpaper. windows xp lack wallpaper.
  • windows xp lack wallpaper.

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 9, 02:46 PM
    Interesting thoughts iGav. The sum total of your criticisms seems to me to indicate that automakers are much more conventional these days (at least when it comes to packaging), making innovation much more difficult. Part of this situation is undoubtedly due to the fact that there are a lot more laws governing the design of cars these days. In the days of the mini, (or DS, or the Traction Avant, or even further back the Model T) there was perhaps less conventional wisdom than there is now - resulting in a proliferation of vastly different designs in terms of overal packaging. Apparently it's up to the Indians to get creative with their Tata Nano.

    These days, only the FF layout is considered suitable for an economy car. Everything else is rocking the boat. Perhaps, as with Horatio Nelson's tactics, an innovation eventually becomes hidebound tradition and stifles subesquent development?

    As for the Korean flavor of the new Chevy, it may be dull by European standards but we love Hondas over here so tastes are different. Also, anyone who has ever driven a US-market Chevy Cavalier looks in wonder at the level of quality that the Korean cars bring to the party. The Koreans not only sneaked up on the Big Three, they also sneaked up on the Japanese and even some of the Europeans.

    And that still makes me wonder what the hell Ford was doing by not building and selling their much better Euro-Fords here in the states. They completely missed the boat on that one - and are arguably still doing so by limiting our engine choices on the Focus and Fiesta and thus reducing the overall economy of the vehicle lineup.

    windows black wallpaper. windows wallpaper free.
  • windows wallpaper free.

  • Daveway
    Aug 7, 07:36 AM
    -Native NTFS write
    -Soltaire game as a dashboard widget
    -PC-run Mac OS X, but only via virtualization
    -Tabs in Finder and Safari be draggable, Dragon Drop style tabbed windows-like OS 9, and be easily recalled-bookmarks.

    There will never be NTFS write abilities in Mac OS X for a long time as Microsoft still keeps NTFS writing a propritary technology only licensed for use in Windows XP.

    Feb 21, 03:57 PM
    Yeh, but for the same price and just a 1-week wait, why wouldn't you hold out unless it was an emergency?

    Last time I did that, they took away Firewire. I'm an audio guy, my drives are all Firewire. I was unhappy and bought second hand.

    Lesson learned :(

    Anyway, on topic, setup. The Macbook is nearing retirement. Bonus points if you know what film that is on the screen (I just did an analysis of the score for my Film Music class at Uni).

    Aug 17, 01:46 PM
    PowerBook G5 next Tuesday! :rolleyes:

    Jan 11, 08:29 PM
    Induction charging

    Mar 24, 04:50 PM
    AMD's CPU's are trash and they're cheap for a reason.

    For someone who doesn't use Windows you sure seem interested in Windows only API's. Love all of those OpenCL applications you listed by the way. ;)

    I am not interested in Windows APIs. That's how the hardware capabilities are referred to. OpenGL has tended to lag in new features, so if the hardware has extra capabilities, it will probably support some future OpenGL version too.

    Nov 27, 03:30 PM
    I don't understand this. Apple has carried a 20" monitor as their low end for two years. Why offer something even smaller after so long? This seems like a step backwards. Why not reduce the 20" to $399 and lower the price of the other two? Dell is putting major price pressure on Apple with their monitors; though they are not as good looking, the price has no doubt won over many would be buyers...not me of course. :p

    Well, see... there's this little thing called market analysis and listening to the people you sell things to. I highly doubt Apple was sitting around going "we need to release something new because its been months. I know! How about a different monitor size!"

    Why not reduce the 20" to $399? Why should they when they seem to be selling just fine at where they are?

    Dell is putting IMAGINED price pressure on Apple with their monitors. Selling cheaper crap will cost you less.