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  • xUKHCx
    Mar 25, 03:44 PM
    That looks really impressive, makes me want to buy an iPad 2 (or a playstation :D).

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  • ipedro
    Apr 12, 08:41 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I used to think just like you until I sat down and used it. You should give it a try. It is a very powerful editor.

    I know this thread is probably full of pro video geeks so don't eat me alive here. What's the primary difference between FCP and Express aside from the fact that Final Cut Pro is packaged in a suite of applications?

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 19, 02:42 PM
    Absolutely. Bloody politicians... where's Wikileaks when you need it! :D

    The public can be tough, so they require marination, before eating.

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  • cult hero
    Mar 22, 06:09 PM
    For all those saying about SSD - don't forget that after approx. 2 years of regular use, the drive is pretty much useless. read/write speeds drop off considerably as they age. As unbelievable as it may seem, SSD still has a long way to go before it can replace the hard disk drive.

    Uhhh... no.

    And on a device like a high capacity iPod, how often are you churning your data?

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  • Old Smuggler
    Mar 25, 07:05 PM
    Playing that game with the HDMI dongle thingy hanging off an iPad looks, um, not ideal. Now, if it could stream it using AirPlay.

    Or stream it to an apple TV and let it do all the work
    that HDMI cable looks very cumbersome

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  • chutch15
    Sep 13, 07:04 AM
    It does not. With this new glass, I don't feel I need one. A screen protector is far softer and would take more damage in dents and scratches, not to mention expensive (and a pain) to replace.

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  • Schnebar
    Jan 13, 01:24 AM
    this is crap,

    no one in their right mind would make something with 0 ports, you have to at a bare minimum have an audio out.

    Hmm maybe they could get around this by shipping bluetooth headphones with it.

    And the no-plug dock charging sounds good too.

    Imagine a ultra portable macbook with no ports.

    It would have a docking station with a lot of ports in the dock but it would all wirelessly be transfered to the macbook.

    No clicking into the dock. Just set it down.

    If the dock could be integrated into the desk it could look like you are just setting it on the desk.

    But it is wirelessly sending power and signals with the dock which has usb, firewire, large HD, optical drive, headphone jacks, and other ports that are hidden under the desk.

    Edit: just realized that in the time I took to reply someone else already pointed out bluetooth headphones.

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  • Earendil
    Nov 27, 03:24 PM
    It all comes down to how much extra you are willing to pay for the increased monitor specification. Most will pay 20% very few will pay 75%.

    So you didn't mean their target audience was shrinking, what you meant was their target audience wasn't buying?

    What you say is true for any consumer vs prosumer market.
    The prosumers get more quality, to meet their requirements, and pay for those specifications + more because they are the best. Also a lower volume of products to a smaller prosumer base means you have to charge more per product.

    If Apple wasn't satisfied with the number of units they were moving, and had a markup far above their (real) competitors, I would think Apple would lower it's prices, don't you? That would be the only way to make money if they weren't actually selling the monitors.

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  • entatlrg
    Sep 14, 04:13 PM
    Maybe RIM or Google bribed consumer reports :eek:

    My iPhone 4 works perfect as do my friends.

    CR sucks

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 29, 01:16 PM
    intel will sell yonahs for quite some time besides merom. why sell them when merom is better? answer: because they will sell them for lower price

    The pricelist from Intel themselves (PDF). (

    Core 2 Duo: Merom pricing.

    Yonah prices in normal font, Merom in bold
    1.66 GHz - $209/ $209
    1.83 GHz - $241/ $241
    2 GHz - $294/$294 etc. etc.

    They cost the same! Intel hasn't announced any price drops yet.

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  • spencers
    Jan 28, 12:15 PM
    here my G
    of course i got it fully loaded with Bose Sound etc.

    I like the idea of a pop-up navigation system!
    Less chance of theft or break-in

    love quotes myspace. love quotes myspace. love quotes; love quotes. dwsolberg. May 17, 03:58 PM. When Verizon offers the iPhone, I#39;ll switch.
  • love quotes myspace. love quotes; love quotes. dwsolberg. May 17, 03:58 PM. When Verizon offers the iPhone, I#39;ll switch.

  • Mal67
    Apr 20, 03:46 AM
    I hope so, and I also hope they don't skimp out on the Mini.

    According to the Buyer's Guide, it's been over 300 days since the Mini was updated and the average is 248 days. So they're a tad behind.

    I don't think Apple have any excuses on this one. It's been far too long.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 19, 01:21 PM
    Yay, news that's something other than iOS related.

    Now hopefully the Mac Mini will get updated as well.

    Spike Spiegel FTW. :cool:

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  • N10248
    Mar 24, 01:35 PM
    But for something like the MBA, where your options are a C2D or iX CPU, and a GPU that's runs like it's 2+ years old, vs a new GPU and a newish CPU, I'll choose AMD over Intel any day of the week.

    Unless Apple gets clever and uses ThunderBolt for connecting external graphics cards, after all it is a PCI-E based connector.

    Edit: Travis beat me by moments

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  • mac-er
    Jul 20, 08:19 AM
    "We're not sitting around doing nothing," Apple said about the prospect that mobile phones may soon emerge as very capable digital music players and challenge the iPod.

    This was a pretty interesting quote AppleInsider had from the presentation.

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  • jettredmont
    Aug 16, 02:24 PM
    It's a shame there's almost no way Verizon will carry an Apple branded phone. I just don't see it happening. Looks like I'll have to get an LG Chocolate for music on the go...

    If Apple does an "unlocked" phone (meaning, the kind of phone that used to be the rule, not the exception, which wasn't locked to a specific service provider) you'll be able to use it on Verizon (of course, assuming it supports Verizon's connection mechanism, which is different from Sprint or Cingular, but most of the phone manufacturers out there have no problem with this).

    The downside, of course, is that you miss out on the 2-year financing offers from Verizon, and still have to pay for the 2-year financing (your rate isn't any cheaper if you don't take their "free" phone offer...). That having been said, the US phone companies offer crap for long-time customers ($100 off a phone for signing up for another 2-year contract? Puhlease!) and IMHO it makes more sense to just get the damned phone you want and throw that $100 "discount" aka high-interest loan away than confine yourself to Verizon's pathetic arsenal of hobbled (key features disabled, etc) phones.

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  • Tomorrow
    Mar 1, 04:51 PM
    That may be true of the huge American diesel truck engines, but go examine a new VW, BMW or Mercedes diesel and you'll see that this is just not the case anymore.

    That could be true, but I can't verify it - simply because I don't really see any of those around here....

    You can barely even smell the exhaust - if at all - even from the new truck engines with DPFs.

    ...This, on the other hand, has not been my experience at all.

    I live out in the country (horse and cattle farms), and about half the pickups out here are 3/4 ton and 1 ton diesels, mostly Chevys and Fords. Following one down the highway it's hard to hear them, but if you're behind one you can damn sure smell it - and yes, I'm talking about the new ones, too.

    Caveat - you specifically mentioned a Dodge, and I don't recall seeing (or smelling) any of those around here lately.

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  • twoodcc
    May 2, 08:21 PM
    they're all used for DTP (AI, AP, QE, etc)

    the older one (at home) needs to be paused anytime I need to do anything processor intensive (not the issue with the 09s) especially HB and the like.

    The 08 wont make deadlines with the bidadv units (not after pausing it for hours at a time LOL) unfortunately, I am unable to select the number of processors it will use (like I use to <4>) so now I have to pause it.

    It looks like people are aware of the user name issues over in the "F@H Widget needs testing" thread


    oh ok.

    you know, if you use the console client, you can tell it how many cores to use - like smp 7 would only use 7, instead of 8. but i'm not sure if it would make the deadline with only 7. probably not with less than that though.

    so with the 09's you can do other things while it's folding bigadv units and no problems?

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  • AussieRocket
    Nov 28, 08:19 PM
    in five years neither the iPod nor the Zune will have any significance. The hardware market will be dominated by Samsung and distribution by walmart.

    Samsung is becoming the most dominant consumer electronics company in the world: from LCD TVs to cell phones, to camcorders, to MP3 players. in 2006 they will have sold 150 million phones, growing much faster than Nokia and Motorola. Their camcorder business is just picking off with megapixel camcorders priced below $300. They are just now getting to be serious about the MP3 market. The YP-Z5 would have been one of the top players, had they decided to be agressive on pricing, however for some reason it's held very high selling prices throut the world. Now watch for the YP-T9, it will outsell iPod nano in 2007. It is ridiculously loaded with features and is much better priced than the Z5s.

    Walmart controls 40% of DVD distribution. If the DVD goes the way of the music CD, they are not going to let this market slip away from them. They have just started selling digital downloads and have much more clout with content companies than either Microsoft or Apple. rankings offer extremely limited view of the world. They are only USA, plus research shows that it is the preferred vendor for highly sophisticated users. The world is much bigger. Creative Zen Nano is #1 electronics seller at and (France and Germany) you can check it out. Creative is not a powerhouse, though. Watch out for Samsung to start ramping up the YP-T9s next year and blow everyone out of the water. As it is now, they are on backorder and sold out at many outlets... Plus Samsung's music phones will far outsell the Iphone...

    Apr 1, 11:54 AM
    Already posted ( by another author.

    Yea it's a little buggy right now. You can delete apps the same as as before with some added frustration.

    1. Press and hold, CMD+OPT+CTRL (so they all wiggle)
    2. Next press and hold one app until they stop wiggling.
    3. Now click the apps you want once to delete them.
    4. Make sure you hold those 3 keys throughout all steps.
    Wow, what a major PITA. Trying to delete folders is even worse than before with Launchpad crashing like crazy. But managed to do it anyway. Thanks for the tip. :D

    Just out of curiosity, how do people even discover these things? Like having apps to wiggle first, then click and hold, then delete, etc. :confused:

    Nov 27, 02:20 PM
    I like this. I really wish it didn't have the logo, though. Much classier as just a photograph, IMHO.

    Yeah I wish I could Photoshop it LOL.

    Apr 3, 01:03 AM
    Ooh. Thought you were talking about the installs for both previews. I installed developer preview 2 over the first, so I didn't realize. It still doesn't sound very accurate to me.

    Forgive me -- this is what I'm understanding from you:
    DP1 can install onto a blank disk/partition.
    DP2 can't install on a blank disk/partition. Needs to install as an update on top of DP 1 or Snow Leopard. (?)

    That's right (at least from my personal experience). Lion currently uses system files and services from Snow Leopard to reduce its size.

    Chupa Chupa
    Sep 7, 02:37 PM
    I think it will have to be a rental or stream service. There is no way I would pay $14.99 for a lower quality movie at the same price I would pay for a DVD at circuit city or best buy. I know Steve Jobs has been fighting with the movie companies to have a uniform price. Unfortunately, these companies get pretty greedy and don't see the big picture.

    I also don't think apple would put out an option, like $14.99 downloads, when that doesn't make sense.

    You won't, but you are probably more technically savvy then 99% of the world population. How many people pay $10 for an album of songs encoded @ 128Mbps and couldn't be happier?

    Nov 29, 09:31 PM
    He has a point about the XBox... It did start out slower but now is surely considered a predominant player in the market (no pun intended;) ).

    Yeah, out of all 3 major options. [Sony, Nintendo, and miCrapsoft] :rolleyes:

    Real hard. :p

    I bet even I could have whipped up a console one night a few years back and kicked them out of the top 3. ;)

    I remember reading sales figures in '04 between PS3 and XSUX. It was something like 74+ million PS3's to 13.x million XSUX's.:D

    As has been mentioned several times throughout this thread, there are WAY more manufacturers AND models to contend with in the digital audio player market.