lars von trier dogville

lars von trier dogville. Lars von Trier (Dogville).
  • Lars von Trier (Dogville).

  • Skika
    Apr 14, 02:30 AM
    Duuhh its a Macbook Air iPad hybrid!

    lars von trier dogville. Lars von Trier, Dogville
  • Lars von Trier, Dogville

  • IJ Reilly
    Jan 27, 11:35 AM
    True, that's why I like to look at the PEG Ratio (P/E to Growth). If we take the current price of 130 minus cash net of payables and receivables (approx $17 a share), you get 113 for the "enterprise" value of Apple. I'll give it a conservative $5/share earnings this year, for a P/E of 23. According to Yahoo, we have an estimate of 30% growth this year, so we are getting a PEG of less than 1 for this year. Less than 1 is cheap, HOWEVER, it doesn't mean it can't/won't get cheaper.

    Excellent comments. Long-time AAPL investors have seen these moments of despair before -- too many times before, to be honest. The markets have always treated Apple this way, unfortunately. It's difficult to imagine Apple's prospects being any brighter. The company is moving forward on all fronts. These are times when you have look down the road instead of at the potholes at your feet.

    lars von trier dogville. A Lars von Trier film quot;by
  • A Lars von Trier film quot;by

  • SmileyBlast!
    Apr 13, 02:10 PM
    I'm not sure Apple would be able to add real value to a TV here.
    They always seem to choose less than stellar hardware and then add great Software for the Value Add and high profit margins.

    So I'm happy with my 2nd Gen Apple. TV as is.
    A TV is big commitment. I don't want to be flipping that every year.
    Besides its heavy and awkward.

    lars von trier dogville. lars von trier CRW_8862_RJ
  • lars von trier CRW_8862_RJ

  • BruiserBear
    May 3, 11:42 PM
    pfft, this should not be front page news, hell not even second page... just a bunch of hearsay from a CR that knows nothing about it and speculates BS.

    It's funny that it was reported and it's funny seeing people treat it as credible.


    lars von trier dogville. film from Lars von Trier
  • film from Lars von Trier

  • Daveoc64
    Sep 30, 10:21 AM
    In 2005 AT&T was passing out 3G SIMS like raffle tickets in phones that weren't 3G -I need some internal wireless guru to tell if that extra hand-off doesn't make a difference.

    That makes no difference whatsoever.

    A 2G phone simply ignores the 3G features of the USIM.

    As far as the 2G phone is concerned, 3G doesn't exist. It has no impact on any network (2G or 3G).

    lars von trier dogville. Lars Von Trier Geister
  • Lars Von Trier Geister

  • thadoggfather
    Apr 23, 06:13 PM

    I thought AT&T's buyout means T-Mobile is going bye-bye?

    408 area code, that means cali. is that steve jobs' personal number? :P


    lars von trier dogville. Lars von Trier e Nicole Kidman
  • Lars von Trier e Nicole Kidman

  • CorvusCamenarum
    May 2, 01:11 AM
    I'm not sure stuffing a corpse with candy is very hygienic.
    Who said anything about candy?

    Seriously, though, we're going to treat him like Hector? Like he was some great hero worthy of our wrath and opprobrium?
    Not a hero, but obviously worth our wrath and opprobrium, given that we spent 10 years trying to find him.

    I disagree, we should wrap him in an army blanket and bury Bin Laden in an unmarked grave; the man's had enough celebrity already.
    In a flower print dress and petticoat hiked up to his waist with his bare ass facing Mecca, maybe. He was a crapsack who got his jollies from murdered innocents, and deserves to be humiliated.

    I like it! And after they're done Obama can piss on his corpse! :D

    Hmm..what's Pfc England and her cohorts up to these days?

    lars von trier dogville. Marc Barr amp; Lars Von Trier
  • Marc Barr amp; Lars Von Trier

  • drew.bowser
    May 2, 12:18 PM
    Ahw.. All because of my birthday? How nice!
    Actually, as has been said before, there'll be public holidays somewhere everyday, 'so many countries' may mean something, but since you're talking about today, tomorrow could very well happen.

    As I have said this before... :) Ill put my money on tomorrow! At least that is what I am planning for...I need a new computer!


    lars von trier dogville. Scenes: Lars Von Trier.
  • Scenes: Lars Von Trier.

  • Golfwolf
    Oct 21, 09:27 AM
    Using it right now, it is the iMac in my sig. My other half is going to contribute to the initial expense of buying this great machine, so nothing is on my christmas list!!:)

    lars von trier dogville. Lars von Trier#39;s Dogville
  • Lars von Trier#39;s Dogville

  • Farns514
    Nov 1, 07:56 PM
    Bose Cinemate GS Series for the Living Room Entertainment set-up.


    lars von trier dogville. star less about von trier
  • star less about von trier

  • Waybo
    Apr 2, 11:00 PM (
    choose your side. ( by tristangage (, on Flickr

    Winter on one side, spring on the other... Which side do I choose? I choose spring!!! :)
    This is a nice effect. Can you share how you did this?

    lars von trier dogville. Lars von Trier
  • Lars von Trier

  • Collin973
    Jul 11, 02:37 PM
    Doesn't look terrible, but similar to the ipod (if that pic is legit). Competition is good though, because it'll stimulate new ideas and better products (hopefully). We'll see what happens, but I love my video ipod (as long as apple doesn't release a better one).


    lars von trier dogville. Directed By: Lars von Trier .
  • Directed By: Lars von Trier .

  • Bonsai1214
    Jan 27, 10:49 AM
    Why? I'd love to buy some Beats headphones. Like the style of it.

    if you buy headphones for the style, you shouldn't be buying pairs that cost three digits.

    lars von trier dogville. Best Director: Lars von Trier
  • Best Director: Lars von Trier

  • ovrlrd
    Apr 22, 09:41 AM
    So what is Apple waiting for with the iPhone 5?
    If there are no chips until 2012, then just give us the iphone 5 now :)

    The obvious answer is that iOS 5 is going to be major and is why it is taking awhile (probably iTunes cloud related).


    lars von trier dogville. Dogville. (2003) Lars von Trier
  • Dogville. (2003) Lars von Trier

  • witness
    Nov 21, 03:27 AM
    I am a VS2005 c# developer (Compact Framework) and in the process of switching to Mac.

    I am currently working exclusivly on a Dell PC, and toying with the idea of throwing away that ugly piece of plastic, and getting a shiny new mac book pro.

    Now here is the thing : how do i keep the great performance i currently have on my Dell ? (bootcamp is out of the question since I do not want to keep booting my machine to check emails etc...)

    Will VMWare cut it ? I head some discussion on the poor performace Parallels has when it comes to disk access (compiling is disk intensive).

    Any thoughts ? did any one here try it ?

    I've been doing full time C# development on Intel Macs (iMac, MacBook and MacBook Pro) for about 6 months now. I use Parallels (only because vmware is not available yet) and have no performance problems. Visual studio is not graphically intensive, which is probably the only area where virtual environments suffer these days.

    There are a few quirks that you'll have to work around, such as the F9-F12 keys being mapped in OS X, so if you use these keys for debugging then you'll probably want to remap them, but that's not a big deal, but generally the experience is very good. And of course you can tab between Windows and OS X so that you can have your email and other stuff where it works best and only development stuff in Windows.

    lars von trier dogville. Dear Lars Von Trier | Slog
  • Dear Lars Von Trier | Slog

  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 02:24 PM
    it's an observation, whether you like it or not. But anyway, my post didn't revolve around that point, you just blew out of proportion. Claiming i'm "bored" in your little rant is comical.

    Think what you want, but it was still a crappy thing to assume.


    lars von trier dogville. Director: Lars von Trier
  • Director: Lars von Trier

  • baryon
    Mar 31, 11:38 AM
    That is really, really ugly. Like, really ugly. I cannot imagine having that brown turd interface open on my second monitor all day... blargh!

    lol, brown turd, that's exactly what it looks like... horrible!

    lars von trier dogville. a film by Lars Von Trier
  • a film by Lars Von Trier

  • Jason Beck
    Apr 3, 04:52 AM
    It'sa me on-a Flickr! (
    250mm (55-250 IS)

    Okay first off I like the framing in this. That little building doesn't feel cut off really, with that dominating focal point above it. I seriously love the placement of it, and how the picture just spans to the left. The lighting is superb. I love it, is really all I can say. You can see the golden highlights on the trees and the glow everywhere on the foliage. The saturated colors are lifelike and real to the photograph. You also positioned the focal point well. It's slightly under the curve of the hillside. This lets you take in the object with color popping it out all around.

    This photo is better than I can do outside with nature. I really love this. That golden hour you shot at shows well. That is quite the capable lens! Loving this pic.

    lars von trier dogville. Nocturne - by Lars von Trier
  • Nocturne - by Lars von Trier

  • hooch
    Oct 18, 04:36 PM
    Man, I wish I had enough money for Apple stock!

    Nov 24, 07:40 PM
    Good, maybe we can get back ahead of club lexus, again. Then again that means I might not catch up to you in a year...

    haha here's hoping ;)

    yeah team lexus should be in the rearview mirror soon

    Apr 28, 03:57 PM
    Sounds like a "who cares?" kind of thing, but that's actually kind of a big deal if it creates case fragmentation. Not good. Hopefully inaccurate.

    Case Fragmentation? HAAA! The funniest thing I have read all day.

    Apr 30, 07:41 AM
    I don't buy from either of these any more after being introduced to (or any of the other 25 similar sites). 9 cents per song, or ~$.80-$1.5 per ALBUM. Quality 320 for most newer albums and 220-300 for older. Can't beat it.

    Apr 25, 02:42 PM
    I'm interested to see what ends up in this refresh. My MacBook Pro is great, but a good base iMac option could be appealing. My guesses:

    Base 21.5"
    Quad Core i7 (2.2GHz?); 2x2GB 1333 DDR3; 640GB 7200RPM HDD; ATI Radeon HD 6670; Thunderbolt, ditch Firewire?; 1920x1080

    Fully Loaded 27"
    3.4GHz Quad Core i7; 4x4GB 1333 DDR3; 512GB SSD & 2TB 7200 RPM HDD; ATI Radeon HD 6870 (1GB); 2560x1440

    I really don't think that the 6870 will be in the 27 inch version. The current card (5750) has a power draw of 86 watts. The 6870 has a draw of 151 watts. Too much heat.,2446-15.html

    Don Kosak
    May 3, 07:54 AM
    Update looks great, especially the new graphic card options.

    I am disappointed that the SSD prices are the same as last year. US$600 for a 256GB SSD option. I was hoping for a big price reduction. (or at least a little price reduction...)