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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 26, 02:25 PM
    This debate made me think of this. Now that I've thought about it more this is actually really interesting. Reminds me of Kleenex, or Xerox.

    This has nothing to do with the current case.

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  • theBigD23
    May 2, 07:01 PM
    I feel the same way. I just want to delete an app that delete all of the junk that comes with it. Just moving it to e trash does not do that. Some programs have an uninstall and some don't. That's more confusing for people.

    This concept might seem alien to a lot of MacRumours users, but being a 'switcher', the method of deleting any app on OS X currently seems very ad hoc. I've been a mac user now for about 4 years and yet the idea of having to delete an app by dragging it to the trash seems very... strange. You never know if you've deleted ALL of that program.

    Microsoft have managed to get one thing right in Windows. A specific tool (Add/Remove Programs) to delete a program. That's something that I genuinely feel is lacking in OS X and this idea of clicking and holding in LaunchPad makes sense. It's imple enough: most users who own an iPhone will have no trouble in adopting this method. And what's more, it makes it instantly accessible to anyone who uses a mac. In addition, it goes a step further than Microsoft. It avoids making more novice users from having to delve in to a complex window of settings. A step in the right direction? I think so!

    So personally, I think this is a very simple yet very effective change to make to OS X and should be a welcome sign of the things to come in Lion!

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  • Doctor Q
    Nov 29, 05:18 PM
    Living room, car, blah blah blah.

    Nobody has yet delivered a truly GOOD streaming media solution for my hot air balloon. Are you listening Apple???!!!!! :mad:I get good satellite reception in mine.

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 26, 04:34 PM
    What Microsoft sells is an Operating System, not a GUI element. Apple is welcome to rename their OS to "Buttons" or "Menus" and trademark that for their OS name if they choose.

    Microsoft has a trademarked OS name that is a common GUI element. They also trademarked the word "Word" for a word processing application. Where's the outrage?

    Amazon could have very easily chosen a suitable name that did not exactly mirror what Apple had already chosen. Apple's other competitors have managed to do so. What would be wrong with "Amazon Apps?" Amazon picked Amazon Appstore looking for a fight.

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  • popelife
    Jan 4, 03:55 PM
    I may just go with BootCamp, Windows, Adobe, but that means buying Windows, BootCamp, and I�m concerned about conflicts.

    Use Boot Camp and your Mac is a Windows PC, just like any other (although arguably nicer to look at ;) ). Any "conflicts" will be precisely the same conflicts that you'd get on a PC laptop.

    BTW, right-clicking on an Apple notebook is now awesome! The "two-fingers on trackpad" click is great, and actually easier than having two buttons IMO.

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  • PowerFullMac
    Jan 12, 12:22 PM
    I agree, I think it will be called the "AirBook".

    And you feel so strongly about that you put it in your signature... :D

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  • PBF
    Mar 30, 09:30 PM
    Ah, I see. Thanks, guys.

    By the way, when re-arranging Launchpad, creating folders, deleting, moving icons around, etc., does the order stay the same after restart? In DP1, it resets to default layout. Ta.

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  • miamiracing
    Jan 27, 08:08 AM
    here my G

    of course i got it fully loaded with Bose Sound etc.

    on the far left in the snow last night

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  • twoodcc
    Jan 9, 09:33 AM
    congrats to SciFrog for 4 million points!

    i also recently got 4 million points. but i think my ppd is going down. the last 2 days have been bad for me, and it's looking like it might stay that way

    it took me roughly 18-19 days to go from 3 mil to 4 mil. my best yet. but 4 to 5 probably won't be any faster, but we'll see

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  • BoyBach
    Aug 7, 05:14 AM
    Not too brag or anything :D but it works out great for us in UK. Get in from work 5.30pm / open a beer / macrumors / keynote 6pm / tears of joy / rob bank 9pm / buy mac pro :D

    Finish work at 5.30pm - 1 hour of 5-a-side footy (6.00 - 7.00pm) - drive home, eat & shower by 7.30pm - turn on Mac, log into MacRumors (hopefully it'll be running!) - and laugh at all you silly bugger's who have to spend �1000's on a new Mac and display :p

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  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 23, 01:52 PM
    VERY disappointed in Apple, but hardly surprised.

    Not saying its a "Good" app, as it is clearly ridiculous and ignorant, but hey, so is "Angry Birds" and half the other apps on the store. This one is simply politically incorrect, and Appl once again proved that they are at the beck and call of the PC special interest hootin n hollerin, just like porn-app-gate.

    You don't like the idea that businesses can choose what they want to offer or not offer.

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  • Edge100
    Sep 1, 02:27 PM
    I don't really know about the ideal price difference, but for some people, it wouldn't matter much. If you want a system with a lot of screen space, then you can get two 1920x1200 monitors. Sure, it will cost you, but if you need the space, then you'll go for the 23-inch. Also, to watch movies, a big screen is better than two small ones. It all depends on what you need the computer for...

    True enough.

    For my work (audio production), dual displays are better, because I can have multiple apps open on the different screens, or place my mixer on one screen and effects/instruments on another.

    But I can see people preferring one larger screen to two screens (despite the fact that the two screens give more overall space).

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  • skiltrip
    Sep 23, 09:42 PM
    Yes, it is definitely dark purple-- not those neon purple.:cool:

    glad to hear it. hopefully it'll be ready for pickup by monday. though the 99 cent hong kong cases are really starting to grow on me. i have like 7 of them. lol.

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  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 26, 01:58 PM
    apple created a storefront they called "app store"

    amazon creates a store front that does the same t hing called the "appstore"

    apple wins in this situation.

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  • mape2k
    May 3, 05:44 AM
    I hope I can right-click and delete them too. Pointless to click and wait while holding if you have an input device with more than one button... :rolleyes:

    Maybe this is already a step for future touchable MBP screens then?

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  • Icon for Chuckhere#39;s

  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 09:36 PM
    Randy Ubillos, Chief Architect, Video Applications on stage. Demo FCP X live now. Beta version. �We hope it behaves.�

    Well, there goes the hope of it being for sale anytime soon!

    Oh well! Worth waiting a little longer, I guess.

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  • Play Ultimate
    Sep 1, 03:00 PM
    Apple used to have all-in-ones, consumer towers, pro towers, etc. Remember the PowerMac 6400? Too many products is too confusing for the consumer. If that means that a couple of people can't get the exact configuration they want, so be it.

    Many of the people on this thread are too new to remember the Performa fiascos of the early 90's. More than anything, Steve simplified the computer product line into 4 distinct quadrants. The only aberration to this is the Mac Mini.

    re: The iMac being more powerful than the Pro Laptop. IMO, this is a non-issue. Their respective markets are different. If somebody needs laptop, they need a laptop. And the relative processing capability of the iMac will not necesarily change that individuals mind. The true iMac and MacBook Pro competition comes from Dell,HP, etc. Apple's job is to make computers that are competitive to the marketplace and, I feel, they would be ecstatic regardless of which APPLE computer you bought.

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  • jgould
    Feb 20, 07:38 PM
    New display?

    Nope. Same 19" Acer that I've had for the last year or so. Only changes have been placement of stuff as well as the addition of the MBP, keyboard and trackpad...

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  • Hattig
    Sep 1, 03:06 PM
    Excellent, if it turns out to be true ... IF Apple include either upgradable graphics (nVidia's MXM "Mobile PCI-Express Module") in the iMac OR they release a small-tower/big-cube 'Mac' with a PCIe x16 slot.

    If the current iMac prices drop then I'll have to point my parents towards one - they were previously interested in the Mac Mini, but they also need to buy a new monitor, and they don't need gaming or a massive display - the low end 17" would be ideal, maybe the 20".

    Whilst I'm not upgrading my main system until next year, it will be good to see what products I'll have to choose from. I know I want my next desktop to be able to run Mac OS X as well as Windows (for games), therefore it needs a graphics card powerful enough for the display resolution, but it needs to be a Mac. Right now the only option is the Mac Pro, but I don't need 4 cores or 8 FBDIMMs or 4 drive bays.

    Apr 21, 12:07 PM
    (Incidentally: we have like/dislike buttons on a per-post basis now? :confused: )

    Good catch! I just noticed this once you pointed it out.

    May 3, 04:33 AM
    A good uninstaller is need in OS 10. I'd like to know where and how much is installed.

    Nov 27, 01:55 PM
    It kills me that the least expensive Apple display is $700. I just can't justify the tax over a Dell display, and I'm amazed how others can. A Dell 2007WFP (their 20" widescreen display which uses the same panel that's found in Apple's 20") is $400. It also sports inputs for VGA, composite and S-Video. And for a Dell, the display is reasonably attractive.

    The Apple displays give you a shiny aluminum bezel, firewire routing, and software display controls. Is that enough to merit a 75% markup?

    So, I'm thrilled if this is true and Apple is putting out a less-expensive display option. But I'd love it if they brought the rest of their lineup into check with the competition.

    Allright, for the 473rd time! They don't use the same panel!:eek:

    See? (

    Nov 30, 10:54 AM
    Microsoft owns nothing of Apple, just to make that clear, and of course they don't Apple to succeed... they want it to sink. :)

    The fact that M$ owns a portion of Apple is a myth, not true.

    There was a time that MS held some Apple stock, that's where it started (I think it was with the second coming of Jobs). They got rid of it some time ago, but that part wasn't as highly advertised.

    But MS doesn't want Apple to sink -- they want Apple to remain as a niche player, so they maintain a defence against monopoly claims

    Apr 26, 01:23 PM
    Amazon is not a generic term. It is, however, the name of a single river on planet Earth...among a few other names/uses ("the Amazon", "Amazon basin", "Amazon Women").

    Where else have you seen/heard the term Amazon in a generic sense? Some examples of a generic term are (at least have been generic over the past 75+ years):

    light bulb

    you forgot windows.....