Yes folks this is me. best

best and worst tattoos in the UFC (Page 2) - UFC Fighters & UFC PPV
MMA fighter Ivan Salaverry has a fighting rooster tatooed on his side.

Kurt the Batman Pellegrino flexing muscles and showing off tattoos
Quinton Jackson – 205 (UFC/Pride/WFA) One of my personal favorite fighters

Re: best and worst tattoos in the UFC. DEP wrote: Ex-UFC Fighter Roger Roger

Re: fighters tattoos. Chris Leben

These Granade tattoos celebrating the art of producing and marketing gloves,
Quinton Jackson – 205 (UFC/Pride/WFA) One of my personal favorite fighters

One of my fave tattoo's, Ivan Salaverry UFC fighter.

Fighters with the worst tattoos? - Page 7 - MMA Forum - UFC Forums - UFC
Reader Joy sent us a picture of her Stephen Colbert tattoo, which brought us

Paul Daley was not the only fighter cut post UFC 113.
James Irvin has some horrible tattoo's, too.