Lars von Trier

Lars von Trier. Directed by Lars Von Trier
  • Directed by Lars Von Trier

  • weitzner
    Jul 24, 04:56 PM
    i have a mighty mouse for my iMac, and i've never had a problem with the scroll ball "sticking" or recognizing right clicks. i like it a lot and i am quite psyched for this.

    Lars von Trier. Lars Von Trier Has His Eyes on
  • Lars Von Trier Has His Eyes on

  • FloatingBones
    Nov 25, 12:34 AM
    For the last time, STOP SPEAKING FOR OTHER PEOPLE!!! You have NO right what-so-ever to speak for anyone but yourself and yet you continue to state that EVER SINGLE iOS USER hates Flash and is glad to be rid of it and yet this Skyfire app proves just the opposite.

    What I said: Users of the 120M+ iOS devices are doing just fine without Flash plugins is completely true. There are no Flash plugins for this device. Nobody can run a shred of Flash content in their browser on this device.

    No amount of nonsensical shouting will change the facts.

    You have every right to give your opinion on the matter, but it is your opinion, not the opinion of every single iOS user in existence.

    But owners of those 120M+ iOS devices are doing just fine without Flash. Nobody forced them to buy those devices. If they were somehow "disappointed" because there are no Flash plugins available, nobody prevented them from returning them or reselling them.

    That is NOT a shortcoming of Flash dude.

    Also incorrect. There are huge shortcomings of Flash, and you've never addressed them.

    You've never addressed the identity-leaking of Flash cookies: Flash doesn't honor the cookie privacy settings of the browser. More than half of the top 100 websites are now using Flash cookies to track users and store information about them. ( Do you actually like the fact that those sites do an end-run around the cookie privacy settings by using Flash? I can't find a single rational person that likes the identity-leaking.

    You've never addressed the quirkiness that Flash brings to the browser UI. On my Mac, scrolling works differently when my mouse is over a Flash region. Certain keyboard shortcuts cease to work. Text that appears in a Flash window is not searchable with the browser's text-finding feature. My Mac doesn't behave like a Mac inside of a Flash window.

    The engineering choice made for iOS is simplicity. Layering Flash on top of the browser would compromise that simplicity. Click-to-flash semantics would add yet another layer of clutter and obfuscation to the UI.

    You've never addressed Adobe's inability to deal competently to secure their software. Security experts believe that Adobe is going to surpass Microsoft as the #1 target for security attacks. ( Besides Flash, Adobe Reader is a vector for zero day bugs ( I really don't know how you do that: it's a PDF reader! The bugs have been around in Adobe Reader for years and Adobe still hasn't fixed them.

    If Apple enabled Flash in iOS Safari, they would be farming out the correct operation of their iOS browser to a company that has proven to be one of the least competent companies in dealing with malware attacks. Noted security expert Steve Gibson mocks their cluelessness:

    "[Adobe:] how is that quarterly update cycle going for you?" (

    I have yet to find a single Flash enthusiast who can address those issues. I'm hardly surprised that you can't address them, either.

    That is a shortcoming of Steve Jobs' choosing.

    Nonsense. They are engineering and design choices. If Apple made bad engineering and design choices, they would never have sold 120M+ of these devices.

    If you think they are a "shortcoming": there are simple solutions. Don't buy an iOS device. If you did buy one, sell it. Or maybe you can see if it will blend (

    One thing is certain: Apple will not compromise their iOS browser with Flash, and complaining about that is rather silly.

    Even if Flash is on the road to becoming obsolete, that doesn't mean people don't want to be able to access the entire Web in the here and now.

    Adobe Flash is on the road to becoming obsolete. Even Adobe acknowledges the fact (

    Between the 120M+ iOS devices, the click-to-flash plugins disable Flash downloads on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux machines, and Adobe's new Flash-to-HTML5 conversion tools (, the abandonment of Flash will continue to accelerate.

    You just don't seem to comprehend that.

    You are correct. Flash is a legacy technology, and its day has passed.

    You seem to have this deep seated hatred of Flash

    There are fundamental failings in both the design and deployment of Flash. I listed three of those earlier in my reply.

    The thing that got my attention was when I realized that Flash was maintaining its own set of cookies and that those cookies did not honor the privacy settings of my browser. I then learned about click-to-flash plugins to minimize my exposure to Flash. The shocking thing to me was how much disabling Flash improved the browsing experience: faster page loads, less flashing advertisements, and far less CPU usage.

    and I can tell that if Steve had said "I LOVE Flash" instead you would almost undoubtedly be here fighting against HTML5 and for Flash.

    You imply that I blindly agree with Apple's (and Jobs's) decisions. That is not the case.

    I strongly disagree with Apple's decision to prevent Hypermac from selling external batteries for Mac computers ( Hypermac makes a quality product, and they are filling a niche that Apple ignores. Magsafe is a wonderful technology, but they should be licensing this tech to third-party vendors. I fondly hope that Apple addresses this deficiency in their strategy and product accessories soon.

    If you search, you can find where I commented on this in the public record weeks ago.

    Yes, I honestly believe that. You have no vested interest in either one. You're just being Steve's doormat.

    Now you know better.

    I see no reason why ANYONE should have to convert to HTML5.

    Too many laptop users are tired of the CPU loading and battery suck of Flash apps.

    Too many users don't like that Flash alters the UI inside of the browsers: altered scrolling behavior, keyboard shortcuts that don't work in Flash, text searches that don't work with text in a Flash app.

    Too many privacy advocates are bothered that Flash maintains a separate set of cookies and those cookies do not honor the privacy settings of the browser. Commercial websites are using those Flash cookies to track users. (

    Too many security advocates are wary of using Adobe products because of Adobe's poor track record against security attacks.

    Even if all those four large concerns were addressed, websites have to deal with the growing number of users that use Flash-blocking plugins. Advertisers that deliver their ads with Flash have no guarantee that users will allow those Flash apps to be downloaded and run on their machines.

    Those are the reasons why Flash's viability for delivering web content is in decline. Even if you don't see the reasons, Adobe does (

    Lars von Trier. with Lars Von Trier.
  • with Lars Von Trier.

  • Intell
    Apr 16, 07:45 PM
    Welcome to the twelfth installment of the Simple Werewolves Game!

    The game will begin as soon as discussion and sign-ups conclude. The number of people that sign-up will dictate how many and what type of werewolves we have in the game.

    This game is a blend of simple and live formats. This means that lynching occurs after a time period, not majority. Specials also only have 24 hours to PM.



    Hunter: The Hunter can pick a player to protect every night against werewolf attacks. However, the Hunter cannot protect the same player two nights in a row, and cannot protect him/herself. The protection does extend into the daytime, meaning the Hunter can protect a villager from a Kamikaze Werewolf attack.

    Seer: The Seer can find the true role of any ALIVE player.

    Villager: Same as before.

    Neighborhood Watch: Three elves that can exchange PMs with one another. Their members can be infected and they cannot recruit additional members. They have no decisions to PM to me. What they discuss is up to them. The roles of Neighborhood Watch will only be giving if there are more then 15 people playing.


    The Werewolves: Werewolves can PM each other. They pick one villager to eat per night. There are three kinds of werewolves;

    a) Alpha Wolf, can at any time during the game, pick one villager to infect. This will convert the villager into a normal werewolf (no special abilities) and join the werewolves' team. The infection is effective against specials such as the Seer.

    b) Kamikaze Werewolf has the ability to pick any one villager to kill during his lynching. In other words, if he is voted to be hanged, he will take one villager with him.

    c) The normal Werewolf has no powers.


    a) Villagers can NOT PM each other. (exception: neighborhood watch members)

    b) Werewolves CAN PM each other.

    c) Players can edit their posts during the game is in progress, however if you edit your post, you MUST give an explanation of why/what you edited.

    d) (a.k.a. the jav6454 rule (by the way of -aggie-) :D) Dead players can NOT participate in the game - this includes providing information, encouragement, tips or otherwise. This has been an issue in the previous game, so I'm going to be more strict with this. Dead players are eligible to ONE post following his death. This one post follows the same rules as before - cannot influence the game, and so forth. Posts consisting of little more than an image is DISCOURAGED, so please avoid this. Dead players are allowed to post as much or as often as they want. But they must make all of there posts in the colour gray. The posts are also not allowed to influence the game in any way. If you are unsure of a post topic, don't post it. Good posts are along the lines of "Good job villagers!". A bad post would be: "I think Bob is a wolf." If people start posting things that could influence the game, I will ask them to edit the post to remove the offending text then reinstate the jav rule.

    e) Voting for lynching will close 24 hours after day has started. (Unless stated otherwise.)

    f) Voting can only take place in the daytime. Any votes made during the night will not be counted.

    g) For clarity, when you vote, bold the name of the player you're voting for. This alleviates confusion and makes it easier for me to count the votes. You can also play with this - "I really like Bob, he's a great guy" counts as a vote for Bob You can jokingly vote by not bolding the name - it will not be counted.

    h) You can retract and change your vote at any time up to the close of the vote.

    i) The game will begin at DAYTIME, the days are 24 hours unless specified else. The person with the most votes will be lynched at that time. In the event of a tie, the first person to that number of votes is lynched.

    j) There will be a TIME LIMIT of 24 hours for Specials to send in their PMs. The time limit will be 24 hours after the posting of the lynching. (NOT after the voting closes). Please remember that you can pre-PM these actions at the start of the day preceding the night in question. You can change this action up until the next morning. I also remind you that the villagers can agree to not lynch anyone with a unanimous vote.

    k) I will post special results as soon as I am online and have them all. Thus, it is highly recommended that you set your profile to invisible mode so that other posters cannot view your login activity to see if you were online in the period between lynching and special results.

    l) Villagers will now be told if they are scanned or protected. Specials should consider this before preforming their actions.

    m) This question has came up in the discussion, so here is the turn order during the night:
    Werewolf infects
    Seer scans;
    Hunter protects;
    Werewolves attack.

    n) If a player is a mod, he or she is not allowed to use their other godly powers to alter the game.

    o) It is recommended that the players put their status into Invisible Mode.

    To do this:
    Go to User CP (
    Edit options
    Check Invisible Mode


    I will assign roles via, so looking for patterns will be fruitless (but not vegetableless, eat your veggies).
    1. -aggie- dead - wolf
    2. ucfgrad93 - dead
    3. NathanMuir - dead
    4. Eldiablojoe - dead - wolf
    5. lbro
    6. Moyank24 - dead
    7. appleguy321 - dead
    8. chrmjenkins
    9. nies - dead - wolf
    10. Don't panic - dead
    11. Plutonius - dead
    12. jav6454 - dead

    Lars von Trier. lars von trier
  • lars von trier

  • PR.
    May 3, 08:00 AM
    It was possible to use the previous 27" as an external display for a MacBook. Can't see any mention of that after a brief scan, and it's a deal-breaker for me. Anyone spot such a feature?


    Lars von Trier. (Lars Von Trier, 2003)
  • (Lars Von Trier, 2003)

  • Rudy69
    May 3, 09:15 AM
    You'd have to be a fool to order that from Apple. Their upgrade prices on SSD's are a joke! It'd probably be cheaper to wait it out a couple of months and get an external thunderbolt one - it'll be just as fast if not faster!

    The prices are way too high but upgrading yourself is a task most people don't want to attempt (removing the glass is a bit daunting). External thunderbolt would be nice but I don't think there's any enclosures for sale yet.

    Lars von Trier. Lars von Trier#39;s latest
  • Lars von Trier#39;s latest

  • macduke
    Sep 30, 09:04 AM
    Maybe I should forget to pay my bill 30% of the time.

    My wife had VZ and hated them. I doubt that there is actually any network out there that has acceptable quality. The iPhone is essentially a phone straight out of the future. It's like trying to run a RAZR on a network in the late 80's. It's too much data.


    Lars von Trier. Lars von Trier#39;s Antichrist
  • Lars von Trier#39;s Antichrist

  • gkarris
    Apr 23, 11:02 PM
    I think AT&T is getting tired of dropped calls on it's frequency wants to start dropping them on T-Mobile's as well.


    Does this also mean that T-Mobile users are stuck with only the white one? :eek:

    I say get one with the lower pricing before the AT&T deal goes through - so AT&T has to honor your 2 year T-Mobile contract.

    I have a nicely priced old voice plan and would like to add the $10/month 250MB data plan... ;)

    BTW - is this just an unlocked iPhone 4 that someone put on T-Mobile and is passing around this rumor? :D

    Lars von Trier. Lars von Trier and Jørgen
  • Lars von Trier and Jørgen

  • neko girl
    Apr 30, 11:00 PM
    But there is no such thing as a 'smartphone OS' for iOS. The OS runs across three devices (four if you include AppleTV). Just like there's no laptop OS for Windows or Mac OS X.
    Of course there is. iOS runs on two currently available Apple smartphone models: 3GS and 4. The iOS that runs on these phones is sufficiently different in feature sets from the iOS that runs on Tablets, media consumption devices, and Apple TVs:
    -Larger resolution on tablets
    -Communications handled separately - No phone app or visual voicemail on Tablet or iPod Touch
    -No installable apps on Apple TV

    I think you already understand the differences. You just would like to lump everything together so that it seems that Apple still has dominant marketshare.

    Pretty disingenuous use of statistics, if you ask me..


    Lars von Trier. Von Trier, the cinematic
  • Von Trier, the cinematic

  • Truffy
    Mar 31, 11:08 AM
    This looks good. Are people forgetting how rubbish iCal is at the moment. Beyond aesthetics, I'd like a calendar that is useful....
    Making it look different won't make it better. They should address the usability/functionality, sure.

    Lars von Trier. lars von trier from where
  • lars von trier from where

  • daneoni
    May 1, 10:13 PM
    So the figure head who has had little to nothing to do with Al-Queada (a leaderless brand name of extremists at this point) since 9/11 is dead. Woo hoo. Meanwhile, terrorism in the world has only increased since the "war on terror" (something that was predicted and well known by US planners when gearing up for it).

    Time to start the USA chants. :rolleyes:

    Anyone with a clue knows these.

    Still a significant blow to have the 'figure head' taken out regardless.


    Lars von Trier. Lars von Trier and Björk
  • Lars von Trier and Björk

  • 28monkeys
    Mar 31, 10:33 AM
    interface looks complete, let's just hope that skin can be changed.

    Lars von Trier. Director: Lars von Trier
  • Director: Lars von Trier

  • Otaillon
    Oct 22, 12:57 PM
    A trip to Mont Tremblant.

    Went there in june with the GF for kayaking and mountain biking and it is very beautiful!


    Lars von Trier. Lars von Trier Bringing His
  • Lars von Trier Bringing His

  • LastName
    Mar 31, 11:57 AM
    That is really, really ugly. Like, really ugly. I cannot imagine having that brown turd interface open on my second monitor all day... blargh!

    +1. I like the unified layout but the color would make me gouge my eyes out to make it stop.

    Lars von Trier. how Lars von Trier was
  • how Lars von Trier was

  • Reach9
    May 2, 12:50 AM
    Nah - probably in Heaven with his 70 virgins on the magic mother-of-pearl bed where not even the angels can see what he's doing...

    I thought it was 72? :eek: i wonder if he has insurance there.


    Lars von Trier. Lars Von Trier calls himself a
  • Lars Von Trier calls himself a

  • rever3nce
    Apr 14, 11:38 AM
    Give me some wise decision guys�

    I am badly in need for a new iDevice. My last device was the iPod Touch 1st Generation. I am planning to get both the iPhone and iPad, but will only get one now and wait for the other one in the next update.

    So which is better now?

    Get iPhone 4 White, and wait for iPad 3�
    Get iPad 2, and wait for iPhone 5?

    I am leaning towards the first option because the iPhone 4 feels like a revolution while the iPad 2 feels like a small upgrade and I wish it has a retina screen. But on the other hand, the iPhone 4 feels old now and iPad 2 just released.

    get ipad 2 and wait for iphone 5

    unless something is wrong with the phone you have now, then i would get the iphone 4 . otherwise i would just wait

    Lars von Trier. Lars von Trier Credit: IFC
  • Lars von Trier Credit: IFC

  • SkyeHack
    Jan 30, 12:29 PM

    - MacBook Air
    - iPad
    - iTouch
    - Apple Accessories

    Am I part of the Apple Family Now?


    Lars von Trier. Scene from Lars von Trier#39;s
  • Scene from Lars von Trier#39;s

  • Prelude2Tragedy
    Apr 9, 01:39 PM (
    IMG_2949.jpg ( by Jonathan Bowers (, on Flickr

    Lars von Trier. 10) Lars Von Trier
  • 10) Lars Von Trier

  • Dubthedankest
    Mar 15, 09:35 AM
    Be sure to let us know if any of those stores have product. Out of all the stores I've seen that have opened early today, none have had product. Which, of course, begs the question 'why in the hell are you opening early then?'

    Lars von Trier. LARS VON TRIER and Willem
  • LARS VON TRIER and Willem

  • jaydub
    Feb 1, 09:38 PM
    Super excited.

    Nov 3, 10:28 AM
    Is this for Intel Macs only or will it work on PPC too?

    There is a PPC version but it will only run the PPC version of Windows.

    Apr 28, 04:21 PM
    I held one earlier today and it felt .0001 oz. heavier. Perhaps it is just my super human ability to weigh things instantly that told me this....but still....:cool:

    Don't worry, Safari is .0078 nanoseconds snappier on it! ;)

    Wes Jordan
    Jan 28, 10:21 PM
    You haven't lost a cent, until you actually sell off your stocks. I'll be holding on to mine until they climb back up and beyond. Besides, having another rate cut is around the corner - this may happen sooner than you think.

    Smart. So many people get caught up in the current price. Apple isn't going out of business anytime soon. Hold on to it, it will go up again. Maybe not very soon with what economists predict the economy to do over the next year, but most recessions only last ~9 months.

    Oct 18, 05:40 PM
    Its clear Apple is missing something in the midrange desk top line. Its time for the Cube or Macintosh or headless iMac or Max Mini or something. iMac isnt for everyone and the world has billions of big beautiful displays just waiting for a midrange Mac but if Apple prices it again the same as the towers it will be another failure. Its way past time for the next Macintosh. Needs a real GPU, at least 1 expansion slot and should be priced right along with ugly iMac:D or a pinch below.

    Must every thread have this post in it?

    Apr 1, 10:23 AM
    Lol, it's really, really ugly. Looks horrible to me and has nothing to do with the minimal Apple look I love. Reminds me of those GTK apps running on old Linux distros.